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I'm thinking about possibly buying one of these sometime down the road as they would seem to prove quite usefull for holding your drink and such. I was curious if any of you bought these for your Z, what you thought of them, if you would buy it again and also how they mount to your center console. Thanks for your opinions!



This looks interesting too

WARNING! The following is Arne's personal opinion, and may offend some people. If it offends you, deal with it. :angry::P

I have no need for such an accessory. I neither eat nor drink in any of my cars. Nor will I answer my cell phone while driving. Cars are made for driving, they are not dining rooms, coffee shops nor phone booths.

On the other hand, if you find your driving comfort and attentiveness is enhanced by the armrest, go for it.

HI Austen,

I also have an armrest with cup holder. With something in the cupholders it can interfere with shifting. My arm can get sweaty in the summer. But I would get another. I like to hide a few things that accumulate during a weekend drive.

I have the Plug and Chug that fits in the ash tray. It works, but does get in the way when shifting. It is better than holding a coffee in the crotch, it can be quickly removed and gotten out of sight when not in use. It's well constructed.... doing it over, I'd get the other one (and probably have the same or similar issues).

I'll side with Arne on this.

In todays litigus society, eating, drinking or answering phones is highly dangerous and may prove serious if not fatal.

These cars where never meant to be luxury cars, just true sports cars.

Any attempt to add these offerings would be an insult to the original designers.

The onlt time I have a cup of something in my car is when I stop at the McD's on the home. It's only temporary, so the ashtray itself will hold the tall plastic cup of soda, or a small paper cup of O.J. for the 3 minutes it takes to drive home. Never hot mugs of coffee- drink those before you leave!

If you really need a cupholder- get the one that hangs on the window...

I would not have gotten the arm rest with the cup holders. They don't hold any cups I have and are too shallow to grip anything enough to keep it from falling out. It will hold a 12oz soda can but you will hit it with your elbow when you shift helping it to fall out. I ended up taking the ashtray out and using the hole for a small water bottle. Works for me. The arm rest is too high to be very comfortable and your elbow rests on the cup holder part. FWIW if I had it to do over I would have bought the regular arm rest. Cheers, Mike

Thanks for your opinions guys. I agree and know what you mean by treating these cars like a "coffee shop" if you will because I feel that way too. Much of the time, I eat a packed lunch in it when I'm at work for example, so sometimes I wish I had something to hold my drink. That would make sense though that the cup holder itself could and would get in your way of shifting, I hadn't thought of that. If I do decide to get one of these things, I may just get that "plug and chug" thing that you can stick in and out so it doesn't always have to be there. I came across this which I thought was pretty cool and might look nice. It sounds like it uses a mount. http://www.thezstore.com/page/TZS/CTGY/CAR

I agree with Arne about this issue. I do however have an armrest...the same one that you linked in your last post. I am a big person and it is nice to put my arm on the rest while in between shifting. JMO. It does require that you drill holes into the console. It is not too original. If that doesn't bother you, then go for it.

Yes I have one in my series one car and I purchased it from MSA. They are readily available from many vendors.

I use it solely to store the female buckle side of the seat belts. This way they don't sit on the floor. I don't use it for coffee or other drinks.

The down side to this item is that they say you can just place it over the console. If you do that it has a tendency to move or slide. It is not a secure fit. So I screw them in to each side of the console. Of course if I ever want to permanently remove it the console will need to be repaired.

The other problem is it has a tendency to get in the way of the dial on the inside of the seats to move the back of the seat backwards and forwards.

On balance I like the item as long as you know the nuances I think you will too.


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