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Theft deterent devices


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Hi All.

I have been driving my car lately, and am starting to worry about theft. I don't want to use an igntion cutout., as a smart theif could just pop the hood and use jumpers to start the car. I am thinking about getting a Club. From what I can determine there are two types: one locks across the steering wheel, the other connects the clutch or brake pedal to the steering wheel. What do ya'll think? Which is better? My only negative thoughts about these devices is that a thief could just unbolt or cut the steering wheel.

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Lost the key to my club and just slipped a piece of pipe over it where its attached to the steering wheel and bent it enough to remove it. The club should only be used as a layer of theft prevention combined with something else.

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Randy - Your choices are an alarm, or preventing spark or fuel. The easiest method to implement is to eliminate the spark with the use of a hidden kill switch. A thief isn't going to waste time troubleshooting your ignition system. He (or she) will just move on to an easier target. Also, you can use a secondary failsafe such as killing the fuel pump if your running an electric. I know that a pro can remove a device such as The Club in mere seconds.

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Thought about the removable steering wheel? Unless they have a car transporter, no chance. However, you might look a little funny walking into a bar with a steering wheel.

I'm thinking about installing a fuel line cut-off tap inside the rear hatch tool boxes.

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I like the electric fuel pump kill switch idea....In my case I have both mechanical and electric fuel pumps on board. If the electric fuel pump is disabled, will the mechanical still draw gas through it?

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