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real rusted out 240z on Ebay


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Poor thing:cry:

But, hey, look on the bright side-that dash cap looks to be in good shape!

However, this bugs the tar out of me

What you see is what you get

Front Bumper not included

I see the front bumper, so it should be included with the car, no?

If it is not included, the seller should have pulled the darn thing off before snapping all of those shots.



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Poor thing:cry:

But, hey, look on the bright side-that dash cap looks to be in good shape!

However, this bugs the tar out of me

I see the front bumper, so it should be included with the car, no?

If it is not included, the seller should have pulled the darn thing off before snapping all of those shots.


He can have the bumper, there are several houses, a pond, and some good land pictured!!!!!!!! And all for $300!!!


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That carrrrrrrr's done.

At first I thought to have faith but

every time a new picture scrolls up the screen the crowd goes "OHHHHHHH ! " like someone got hit at a Prize Fight.

1. 2. Fights Over............ unless Don King's invovled :paranoid:


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