i recently took off my charcoal canister thinking it would be fine, well it wasnt,..... well first off i cranked up the car to leave, drove fine for about a min. or so then when i hit about 2500 rpms it started jerking so i turned it around and came back to the shop,.. i then thought it was the differiential or the tranny but i cranked it up again and put it in neutral,...reved it up a little and every time it hit the 2500 range to 5000 it would be really bad like it is out of time or something,and it was smokeing really bad... soo... i then realised that one of the vacum lines running from the charcoal canister was to keep the engine in the right timeing,...soo i proceed to put the charcoal canister back on,...so i do and i crank her up and she dies, try again and the same thing,,... i have to hold the gas a little to keep her at a steady rpm soo she wount die but any ways,... it still is doing the same thing,... and it is blowing smoke like a smokestack,..so know im trying to find out what i should do,..if not i can inch her to my friend who is a local mechanic, god i hope its nothing serious
i recently took off my charcoal canister thinking it would be fine, well it wasnt,.....
well first off i cranked up the car to leave, drove fine for about a min. or so then when i hit about 2500 rpms it started jerking so i turned it around and came back to the shop,.. i then thought it was the differiential or the tranny but i cranked it up again and put it in neutral,...reved it up a little and every time it hit the 2500 range to 5000 it would be really bad like it is out of time or something,and it was smokeing really bad... soo... i then realised that one of the vacum lines running from the charcoal canister was to keep the engine in the right timeing,...soo i proceed to put the charcoal canister back on,...so i do and i crank her up and she dies, try again and the same thing,,... i have to hold the gas a little to keep her at a steady rpm soo she wount die but any ways,... it still is doing the same thing,... and it is blowing smoke like a smokestack,..so know im trying to find out what i should do,..if not i can inch her to my friend who is a local mechanic, god i hope its nothing serious 
i cant live with out her any longer
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