Posted April 16, 200717 yr comment_206206 dear friends.. I'm in a really hard situation here, I don't know if I'm in a place to take an advice or support in my is the deal, I found a 2000 BMW E39 M5 in excellent condition, silve with black/blue interior, has 91000km (56875kmil) the asking price is about 16000$it is a good price for such milage I can say coz the cost normally here arround 20000$, at least for the prices over I gave up my 1991 Z32 immediately, but I'm still in a shortage of money to get the interest free cash, so I thaught of selling my 280Z:cry: am I doing the right thing here? will I regret it?what made me think of selling the car is that the annual inspection here recently are killing the old cars! they cancel them just because of some stupid rust under the chassis or any other minor crap! just because they are from the 70's!and this might cause the prices to fall down also.. and about the mainenance cost of the BMW, YES I'm aware of it, but on the other hand a V8 from a BMW is a real monster, inspite of the hi tech. which is all over the car inside out!and let's not forget that the car was sold (here for about 85000$)so..will I regret selling my Z some day??please be fair, I really don't need the answer of a Z addict coz I'm one of them.. I need a real logical advice.. and the bad thing is that I have to decice tomorrow:dead: or the deal is gone!thanks in deposit guys.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
April 16, 200717 yr comment_206208 It seems to me like your decision might be tainted by the perception of getting the BMW at a really good price. Perhaps you think it's too good to pass up. I'd have to ask why it's being sold at that price? Unless the seller is a friend or family member I'd proceed with caution. I'd hate for you to lose your 280Z only to end up with a car with problems. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
April 16, 200717 yr comment_206217 Mohamed,I've seen the videos and photos of your car, it's really nice and something to be cherished.The idea of selling the car ... I feel your pain. I recently jumped ship from the US for a move to Belgium. One of the big choices I had to make was do I or don't I sell my 280z. In the end I made the choice to keep it and I can say I am quite happy I did. I put a lot of work into my car and to sell it just didn't seem right. The 2000 BMW sounds great and all, but there are PLENTY of them in this world, but few 280z (S30 body Datsun's) ... especially in Kuwait.As far as the annual inspection ... get together with other classic car people and get the government to change the rules to make them easier to own. They will be happy to change the rules to keep the people they elect happy. No one here can make the choice for you. If you really want a BMW, then get it, but if you love Z cars, keep the 280z. It's much harder to replace ....Hope this helps. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
April 16, 200717 yr Author comment_206238 I can't go and do anything before I check the replies here:)Mike, yes the price is to good because the car had been traded with new one on the TOYOTA's dealer, the previous owner is a rich guy who is a relative of the royal family, so I think that the price is low because he wouldn't mind some thousands less while trading with a new LEXUS! I can't beleave that a guy leaves a BMW for a LEXUS!?! anyway this is not or issue and my friends sister works in the dealership, so they gave her the best price.on the other hand the car as far as I knew from my BMW guys is in a very good condition and has no problems because he knew the car the best, because he was mainataining the car after the warranty finished, and in fact he told us about a problem that the car had, the engine wasn't reving more than 2000RPM due to ECU/sensors fault.. all replaced and checked at the dealership.. besides, that guy works in the service center of the BMW so he is a pro in the BMW field, and he recomended this car..Gregg, firs of all, I'm not in kuwait, Bahrain is a nother state:) never mind I know that Bahrain is too small to be noticed;)well I just returned from the garage, a guy came with his friend and he knew that I'm welling to go for the Mpower, and he offered me about 8000$ I really don't like the price, I've put too much in the car in my mind 9300$ might be fair to me..and about changing the rules! no one cares about classics here Bro, that is why I'm so dissapointed, mostly forigners are attracted to my Z, specially Navy guys over here and some German guys who work in our power plant..and what I'm afraid of is spending more mony if I keep it, I'll get a new air flow meter and center consoule because it is cracked! and maybe I'll need new bushing set for the rear suspension..IF I sell my Z, I'll never buy a nother one.. I think that I will not find one like it over here, maybe there are good ones but the color might differ of the style.. this one I really like!and honestly, I don't want to loose my relationship with this forum:(I love the S30, but I'm also in love with the Bimmers since a long time..put your selves in my shoes, isn't getting an M5 with a very good pice worth it?or I just go for a loan and keep my Z ?I'm lost now again:(but thank you guys anyway, I appreciate it.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
April 16, 200717 yr comment_206244 Why did he trade the BMW for a Lexus? Because the Lexus is more reliable and has a higher resale value not to mention Toyota will soon rule the automotive world. I would keep your Z it looks like a very nice car and you can always buy a BMW. Z's are getting harder to find in nice condition. However 400hp is always nice to haha. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
April 16, 200717 yr comment_206248 Mohamed, let me give you another perspective from someone who has owned 3 BMWs in the past. They are wonderful automobiles if you can only have ONE CAR. They balance power, handling, practicality of 4 doors, safety, and reasonable fuel economy (if you keep your foot out of it). They are extremely refined as well. On the other hand, cars like the S30 Zs will never be built again. There is something that is more basic and elemental about them that I find a joy. They are not for everyone - my daughter thinks my '73 is loud, rides rough, smells bad, etc. Of course, I see it quite differently. Also, ask yourself if you a) really want to GO FAST, or would rather FEEL LIKE YOU'RE GOING FAST. The fact is that the M5 is going to blow the old Z away on every level of performance. But your license (and freedom) is going to be much safer with the Z. Lastly, if you really want the M5, then perhaps you should go for it. I'm sure it will be a memorable car. But if the only reason you're considering this is the special price (~$4k discount from fair market value), then I'd think at least twice before I gave up the Z. Perhaps you should wait a while until you can afford an M5 AND keep your Z. As you and others said above, you probably won't find another S30 where you are. Best of luck with your decision! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
April 16, 200717 yr comment_206252 Mohamed, my friend-My wife has a 1998 BMW MRoadster (S52), and it is a blast to drive, handles well, and is comfortable for long drives. It is also impossible for me to work on. Even though it has a straight six, and the basic mechanicals are the same as our beloved L28, the thought of taking parts of it off scare the daylights out of me. Parts are horribly expensive as well. A new rear bumper just cost $400. The last oil change was around $100. Why so expensive? Two reasons.1. It's an "M" model, and everything for the M is higher in price. Period.2. It's a BMW. If you get the M, you will find that parts are harder to come by, and cost nearly twice what the lesser siblings require.That said, they are fine vehicles to drive. If I were in your shoes, I would go for a loan. Keep the Z, you've put so much into that car. If need be, you can sell later on, just don't go and sell because you think you must.Of course if you do sell, you'll just have to come over here to shop for a replacement!Good luck with your decision, and even if you do sell the s30, I think you'd still be welcome here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
April 17, 200717 yr comment_206295 snip .....Gregg, firs of all, I'm not in kuwait, Bahrain is a nother state:) never mind I know that Bahrain is too small to be noticed;)... snipOpps, that is what I get for posting quickly before bed ... sorry about the mistake. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
April 17, 200717 yr comment_206297 If you sold the z to get the bmw in the future the z will be worth double what you sold it for, while the bmw will be worth half what you paid for it.Monetary value aside, i'd rather keep the Z. If you really want the Beemer and need some extra cash, take out a loan. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
April 17, 200717 yr Author comment_206303 you know what guys, I cheched the M5 now, I can tell that it is a real great bargin!what we heared about the sensors faults was crap, the car was maintained up to 90000km at the agent in last january, and the car is driven only about 1000mil since that time! we called a friend in the dealership, he assured that the car is excellent and has no faults, the car runs like feather, and so rigid!I know about the cost of maintenance, but we have to consider that is is a performance car with a very hi tech. under the hood we have to air filters with two MAFS's..I drove my Z to work today, I felt really sad thinking of selling the car, guys I just left home and 5 minutes away from home a guy stopped me asking me if I would like to sell:cry: it is a very noticeable car, I felt a huge difference in performance, it is MUCH slower, lighter, and flexible.. but looking at the hood while driving is uncomparable with any BMW! the way the car jumps on 1st and 2nd gear in small roads is a real fun, the way the car drifts aside is so sexy!I really consider the loan much more than before, my family will support me right now getting the M5, but I guess that I'll take a loan and give them back thier money..thank you guys, really many thanks to you all for caring about my issue..and I'm really happy that I'm a member in this forum, with a Z or even IF without a Z..wish you all the best. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
April 17, 200717 yr comment_206320 From a guy who has a few beers in Bahrain let me ask you one question: How my 280Z are there in Bahrain now? I bet you are one of very few. If you take care of your car and work to improve it every year in the end its value will increase vice decrease. I am sure that if you Z does not sell for a good price in Bahrain, it would in UAE or Kuwait. I am sure once you sell something like a 280Z in Bahrain your chance of owning another is very little. I hate to say this but, a BMW has never made me turn my head nor have I ever placed a BMW car show on my calander like I do the West Coast Nationals. BMWs come and go. One other question: Did you attend the F1 event last weekend? How great is it to have F1 visit your country. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
April 17, 200717 yr Author comment_206324 to answer you about the number of Z's here, hmm, they are becoming more and more! but even though, not many, you can't see a single Z every day, you see one passing by in juffair or adliyah once a week maybe.. and the other issue, if it is a neat Z or not.. anyway, you are absolutely right about the look of a Z, but they are two different catigories, I'm not putting a BMW in the place of the Z, coz for an example, you can't ride a BMW and look at the chick next to you in a PORSCHE and sayey baby, or YO PEACE:knockedou like I do in my ZROFL anywayz, I just told the guy that I'm more away from selling my Z, even with the higher price, I'm addicted to the Z, I admit it! about the F1, I didn't, I didn't buy the ticket in the proper time, besides, I think that I was lucky not buying it, it is a bit boring to watch cars going in circles specially when they have no fendersLOL but from what I heared it was a great event, you feel the traffic pressure difference withing those days, many forigners.. maybe next year I'll be there.. and if you have a chance to come here, give me a ring man, I can send you my number on a PM message if you are serious about that, I'll be glad to meet another Z addicted from the other half of the earth:) cheers.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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