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This has happened twice to me so far so I expect it again. Happens during warm up or right after full temp is reached, will just die DEAD!!! cranck and crank no start, if pedal pumped or held to floor it will jump or stumble or try to start but nothing. let it set for 5 or 10 mins starts right up and no other problems, has happend like 2 weeks apart. dont have all the details of this motor/fi / mods but what I know is msd 6al, stock lookings everthing blaster2 coil, fusable link to maxi fuse upgrade, couple of emission things remove from manifold.Electric cooling fan, no a/c components!

have a fuel press gauge installed right after the filter in eng comp piped into the interior and it does NOT loose fuel pressure at that point!

Anyone want to take a stab at this one, I have the bible but it doesnt stay out long enough to find and happens when I dont have any tools with me of course!

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As Stephene said, it could be the temp sensor. If it has failed to "always open" or the connection is bad, the car would run rich. OTOH, if the sensor failed to always closed (a short), the car would not start very well. A flaky sensor could give you eratic behavior as you are seeing now. An ohm-meter across the terminal to ground would tell you what it is doing.

Next time it dies, check the sensor with an ohm meter or unplug the connector and see if it restarts.

My next guess is that the problem is in the ignition side. Check all the connections. In fact, I would take them all apart and clean them with a wire brush (or a very fine file).

I have to wonder why the aftermarket ignition is there in the first place. Was there a problem that the previous owner was trying to fix? Or did the "upgrade" create the problem?

Good luck,


No way to tell about the PO. I have spare of all the sensors in the thermo housing so thats not a prob, whats weird is it will only do it one time! then for days it is fine, by days I mean several driving sessions since it doesnt get drive but a few times a week for short (10 mile) juants up to the local pub and such! Havent touched anything in the engine comparetment yet but that time will come, just hate to fix what aint broke you know, hell it appears to be getting in the low to mid 20's for gas milage right now and runs pretty decent!

ok heres an update, I removed all the connectors and cleaned with de-oxit and swapped out the ecu with the one from my blue since I went webbers on it and had never removed the harness and stuff! problem didnt reappear for 2 days on the trip to the dragon BUTTTT after being at the dragon for 2 days a new one started, kinda simialar.

prob occured overnight will shitting , at first stratup and there after if you got the revs up around 3500, sitting or driving and let completely off the throtle on the way down the tack would start jumping all over and up to about 4000 (not the engine, just tack) and then die with a strange whirring noise coming from the dizzy area, but would restart immediately! found dizzy to have Alot of sise shaft play, thinking this might be prob, maybe all along, gonna swap sometime this weekend and Ill let you know!

Mines horrible! It will start but then idle very choppy. Its running PIG rich!

I read the FI bible and so far I havnt been able to find whats wrong.

I'm glad you fixed yours though!

Have you checked your thermotime switch continuity? That could possibly be it as it could be riching out the mixture by having the coldstart valve being one all the time.

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