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I have seen some threads here drop into car bashing or ( I hate )

Now dont take this wrong I am not standing up for the "ricers" for ricers are what I hate not the cars. This is A new breed of bonehead :stupid: .

There the ones that run around with moms poor old import with oversized wheels and A bolt on tail pipe big enough ta put your fist in. Mind you it's hooked up too the stock 1 1\4 pipe. Now if there real cool they take A hack saw too the springs or just heat um up with A torch till they give up and drop.

I spent three years in las vegas (working @ A dealership as there finance manager)10 years with A classic car auction (auctions all over America one every 2 months) and owned my own used dealership for 4 years. I have seen the best of the best and for that matter the worst of the worst.

There are some guys out there doing the newer Import thing that love there rides and this shows. But there NOT ricers. They are guys that know what there doing and love what they do.

I am A car lover!!! YES I AM CAR NUTS. With that said I still would take just as much time looking over A mint 32 cord as A real nice 2002 full custom honda. Real motor heads dont hate cars. Just the boneheads that hurt them. :angry:

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I think most folks who really love cars will agree with you carguyinok. There's a difference between the guy who takes pride in his car and does things within the limits of reality and taste - like a lot of the new breed tricking out their Hondas.

Then there's the proverbial Ricer who thinks that you are looking at their car because it is the hottest machine in the world --- while really you are looking in total amazement that there are people out their whose shoe size is larger than their IQ.

...but the thing that amazes me is all the hotties that hang out with them?!?:ermm:

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No offence taken. Hell you think I never said I " I hate hondas" I prob. said it more then I know.

(..but the thing that amazes me is all the hotties that hang out with them?!?) Ha ROFL I have known some"hotties" and ta answer that lets just say there IQ's prob. match the plug gap # on that "ricer" 0.45 ROFL

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I don't hate Honda's. How could you hate any car (Mini's excluded)

You see guys, we are all able to work on our old 70's cars because it is easy to do so. Just look at the S2000...yeah right...try working on that in your garage at home....I wouldn't know where to start as it has probably got more pipes and wires in there than in the Pacific Princess.

The thing that I laugh about is the Honda boys going about lowering, farty sounding resonator, big bonnet scoop etc...these guys are just image boys...but they remain harmless.

We all know that if you pulled up at the lights with one next to you, you'd look at them and say to yourself...what a waste of money. However, they just may look over and say what a old (but nice looking) POS. They rev up their hairdryers and attempt to disappear in a cloud of single front wheel spin....while we hcasually cruised forward knowing we have no need to crush his dreams.

My good mate has a Toyota Celica that is puke. It is a jappo import with mags and that little SOAB that rings a little bell at 100KPM. It has more wax on it than paint...never been wet. He once put a ski rack on it...he's never been skiing. So we decided to give him grief about it. We gave him so much stick that he finally hacksawed them off, only to place some pink...yes pink pipe lagging with "Prorack" stamped all over it in an attempt to look like a windsurfer dude.....yes...he doesn't own a wind surfer and he can't swim......so the list goes on. The guy in my eyes is a diamond mate but when it comes to car tastes...wow light years of space between our preferences.

The reason I hate Mini's is because I've owned one. Now, if you have owned a Mini and are reading this then, you know what a PITA they are to work on. Yes they look and handle sweet but mechanically they are dire.

So don't hate any cars....it's just a form of expression that makes the world a less dull place....I just laugh...I have to...my current car is a Nissan Sunny:disappoin T minus 7 weeks to NZ...where my car awaits.......:classic:

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Well...that statement tells me that you are very similar to the driver you hate...cause he is thinking the same thing.

If you must..challenge the car to a bout down at your local open track day...then give him what for....if you lose....well....you decide.

Just be carefull that under that hairdryer bonnet just might be a monster turbo with a sqillion psi.....your ego might be in for a wake-up.

I once had a Datsun 1200 coupe that I worked over. A 1400, with 5 speed, twins, cam, flows, lowered in rough way with 14" rims and sticky rubber. It was a screamer that used to surprise many a Holden and Ford...especially the Mazda RX boys. So be very careful when lining up with of these guys. I got laughed at...but boy o boy did it shift. Now I never lined up against a 240....because I wouldn't waste my time. In fact most people who appreciate a nice care will more than likely wind down the window and say "Gidday...nice motor".

So I guess we were all like them once in some way or another.

I just hate Mini's !

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