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Timing can be adjusted. If your chain sounds loose, you might need a new tensioner. Semi-easy to change if you know how and if no one has put sealant on the part of the head gasket that contacts the timing cover. Blowing out the fuel lines etc. has no bearing on the valve adjustment but would be easier to do while the tank is out. To bad that the mysterious 'Racerville' is not close to San Bernardino. Most of the stuff your car needs is basically preventive maintainence and I can and have done that and I'm more than familiar with these cars and could save you some serious money.

Thyanx for the Offer Blake but Racerville is 50 miles north of Sacromento.

And I've done that drive to Bernadino myself.

If you really must know were is Racerville I sent you a PM ROFL

This info below was a LONG (but good) DAY :tapemouth

My buddie Trave was saying I should do the work myself which I should and would like to because It would be fun, but the good news is a new Z friend I met, Leon, who works at my Napa Auto store had a look at my engine and was complimenting on how clean it was.

First thing he noticed it was rebuilt then recognized who rebuilt the engine when he saw the Machine Shops marking stamp on the side of my N47 Head. He said it was rebuilt by "Racerville" Machine Shop and they've been around for decades and he knows the family that owns and works there also adding they do great work.

I Asked Leon if he'd like to start it up and he said yeah and was listiening to the engine saying my valves diffinately need to be adjusted and some of the noise I was hearing had to do with the fact #6 Pistion wasn't firing from the clogged #6 fuel injector. Adding It might also be an electrical problem from plug connectors to the injector looking different and not matching.

I mention to him the guy who did my diagnostic said the Pistions had carbon build up and was knocking the N47 head causing the sound.

Leon said thats not the case here and not to spend the $800 to have that guy do my "Head Work" just yet. Although now I believe if my Gas Tank is bad their might be something to that Carbon build up theory.

Last thing Leon mentioned was change my spark plugs and wires to NGK and replace Distributor Cap and Rotor, fix a small oil pan gasket leak (which I did not notice ) and I should be running good.

He said the car was really nice and we proceded to talk shop :)LOL

So I fleeted over to the Racerville Machine Shop and this Cat named Shawn who works there came outside to look at my Z and was totally stoked when he saw my ride saying he use to have a '78 with a 350 conversion with the exact same rims adding the "rims alone make it a classic" :)

Back to issue at hand Shawn said my oil was a quart low so the oil pan was a slow leek since it was full last time I checked the level which was at full 2 weeks ago.

Then gave my a bussines card to their valvetran specialist, a girl named Joy.

Once again there was more talking of shop ROFL

After driveing to Joy she listiend to the engine and also said the valves need adjusting badly and spoted the loose timing chain sound also noting that the timing was way advanced as invidenced by the hesitant start and the fact the engine dies or drops RPM when I get on the gas to fast.

I told about a PO who was enriching the Throttle body to max setting and messing with the AFM to supposedley cover the clogged Injector issue when they sold it and she agreed that was the case so I'll have her and her shop tune it right if they can.

She gave a price qoute a little under $200 to adjust the valves and fix oil leek and that includes parts and labor with same day turn around.

It was too hot and she was busy so no shop talk :rambo:

I don't know but I think I'm on the right track once I get the Tank cleaned and Fuel Punp replaced cause of the bad Gas in the tank.


Most of the stuff your car needs is basically preventive maintainence......
After driveing to Joy she listiend to the engine and also said the valves need adjusting badly and spoted the loose timing chain sound also noting that the timing was way advanced as invidenced by the hesitant start and the fact the engine dies or drops RPM when I get on the gas to fast.

I told about a PO who was enriching the Throttle body to max setting and messing with the AFM to supposedley cover the clogged Injector issue when they sold it and she agreed that was the case so I'll have her and her shop tune it right if they can.

She gave a price qoute a little under $200 to adjust the valves and fix oil leek and that includes parts and labor with same day turn around.

Basically the same statement but with a little more detail. I just didn't buy any of that stuff the other mechanic told you. The one with the high prices in the other thread. If Joy can do all that for $200, go for it! Although the oil pan gasket, well I had to raise my engine off the mounts to change that gasket which I did while I had my tranny out so maybe she's just going to check the tightness of the pan bolts.

Sounds like you got a great deal! Are you still thinking of a 3-2-1 Header? :)


YoUUUUU KNOW IT Ceth :classic:

I haven't giving up that idea yet :rambo: :D

Same shop thats doing my Gas tank can install a whole new exhaust line for under $200 if I bring in myown parts.

Exhaust line is looking kind of how shall we say, "DONE" :pirate:

Basically the same statement but with a little more detail. I just didn't buy any of that stuff the other mechanic told you. The one with the high prices in the other thread. If Joy can do all that for $200, go for it! Although the oil pan gasket, well I had to raise my engine off the mounts to change that gasket which I did while I had my tranny out so maybe she's just going to check the tightness of the pan bolts.

Yhep :) Shawn at the Macine shop said that to. Said it looks like

some one tighend the Oil pan to tight and "crushed/smashed" the Gasket.


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