The wipers on my car have always been really slow (something that I've been leaving on the back burner for a while) and finally they went "cupoot" on me a couple days ago so I finally needed to do something about it to speed them up. Replacing the fuse got them going again (I think it was just taking way to much power to move them which was the cause of the blown fuse) so by taking appart all the moving wiper rods under the cowl and greasing every moving part got them to speed up move like their new! iT made a huge improvement then before. A whole lot safer too non the less. Any how, I thought I'd just suggest that taking appart the rods under the cowl and greasing everything really makes a huge improvement and is proably a big help to the motor so it doesn't have to work so hard.
The wipers on my car have always been really slow (something that I've been leaving on the back burner for a while) and finally they went "cupoot" on me a couple days ago so I finally needed to do something about it to speed them up. Replacing the fuse got them going again (I think it was just taking way to much power to move them which was the cause of the blown fuse) so by taking appart all the moving wiper rods under the cowl and greasing every moving part got them to speed up move like their new! iT made a huge improvement then before. A whole lot safer too non the less. Any how, I thought I'd just suggest that taking appart the rods under the cowl and greasing everything really makes a huge improvement and is proably a big help to the motor so it doesn't have to work so hard.
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