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Hi all, it’s been a while since I posted anything here much less visited the site. Well here goes. Some wonderful person trying to sell their house in my neighbor hood called the police in the county of Fairfax, Virginia and requested that they come by and ticket the Z sitting in my driveway along with my neighbors 1978 Pontiac Firebird. The cops came by last week and left us the following nice message: :mad::angry::sick:

“You must remove the following vehicle (Datson 240Z they could not even spell it right) from your driveway in 7 days. If it is not removed you can face a $10,000 fine and/or imprisonment of 30 days. If you wish to keep the vehicle you will need to register it immediately with the DMV and pay county property tax on it. If the vehicle is not operative at this time you will need to relocate it to the back yard and/or screen it from sight of the street and neighbors. (The county suggests that you erect a structure or place bushes at least 5 feet tall around it so it can not be visible.) “

Due to the above letter from the county I am no longer able to complete the restoration of my prized 240. To ward off all the comments:

1. I have gone to the county and protested the notice. It bought me a reprieve of 6 months if I placed a car cover on it.

2. The fine and jail time are real.

3. I could rent a storage area and store it however the places around here will not allow the car to be worked on while on their property.

4. Since it’s a labor of love I don’t want to send it out to be worked on by some one else. Besides I don’t have that kind of money.

So in the end it looks like I need to sell it or part it out. Details on the car are as follows:

1. 1973 240Z. Not running at this time. When the car was parked for restoration it was running. Car is not running now. Carbs are off

2. The electric fuel pump works.

3. New OEM muffler installed never used.

4. New master break cylinder.

5. 2 sets of round top carbs

6. original flat top carbs

7. Additional manifold

8. Radio works

9. Rust in the usual spots but not out of control.

10. New break hoses install on all 4 breaks.

SO HERE IS THE QUESTION. Should I part it out or sell the whole thing for $800 or best offer?:(

Thanks in advanced :alien: Alordzot

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That sucks man. I guess moving it to the back yard isn't an option?

Selling the whole car will get you out of trouble with the county. Parting it out might leave you with a half assembled shell and no time to get rid of the rest of it, and you might have to give away whats left.

Do you have a garage? What about the 6 month reprieve for a car cover? That sounds like a good deal for now. Then I would do is every weekend I would take the cover off, open the hood and make it look like I am working on it even if I am not, especially when the neighbor is having an open house trying to sell the house. Don't sell unless you just can't get the car done. In Cali we have what is called a Non-Op certificate. You pay a fee to the DMV saying that you plan to not operate your car on the roads for a time. The car can not be on the street BUT can be in your driveway. Does your state offer non-ops? If you truly want to do your project don't let some greedy neighbor cause you problems....besides he will be gone in 6 months.

Get a car cover on the vehicle for now.

If the neighbor has an open house, make sure you're shirtless and in the driveway, working on the car. A dozen or so beer cans in the yard would be a nice touch. If the neighbor comes over to complain, offer to sell him the car for $3000.

If I was in that position, I would spend the next 6 months of the reprieve doing whatever possible to get it running again/spruce it up, without spending a lot of cash. During this time put it up for sale. You are probably just like the rest of us and hate the idea of parting with it, but you can always buy another one later on down the road. Even a better one.

In all seriousness, geezer's got the right idea. You have six months to play with if you go out and buy a car cover. Unfortunately much of that six months will be winter, but you should be able to get the car running during that time.

At that point you'll either be able to keep the car (since it runs) or sell the car easily (since it runs). The key will be to get the car running and driveable.

Some more info for all of you. I have already burned up most of the reprieve time but due to work I have been out of town for most of it. The car is in my driveway now and Virginia does not offer a non-op for titling the car. TO get the car running again I would need to install the round tops, drop and boil out the gas tank. I simply don't have the time. That is why I asked the question sell or part out. I can always have the junk yard come and get the remains. It is however looking more like sell it out right will be the best thing. As it is I do have a title for the car. Any one interested in purchasing????

Tell That Cat to Kiss Your A$$ !

In Stockton California, far as I know, your car does not have to be running in

order to be in your drive way.

The county tow truck came by my inlaws house and towed her non op car away.

They said if it was in her driveway they couldn't tow it but since it was

parked in the street it was on city property.

My guess is your driveway is considered your "Private" Property and you can

have what ever you want on it.

A drive way is for a car and if you can physicaly take your car apart and put

it back together again to make it run or look better then you should have the

right to do that if you have the mechanical inclination to do so.

If you like to wash your car in your own driveway then there should be no

law saying you have to take it to a car wash because a "nieghbor" does'nt

want to see it.

Just the same as taking it to mechanic if you have the know how to

do it / restore it yourself on your own property.

Take some time and talk to your local Legal Aid department in your state or

County and they can give advice on how to fight this and

stick it to this Clown.

The Legal Aid Dept. should be free far as I know since it's a Goverment office.

If you do not get a lawyer or advice you like to hear keep asking or go to

someone else untill you find a person who does cause these offices at times

are known to have workers who are either crooked, lazy or just plain don't

know what they're talking about.

Thats the goeverment for ya :finger:

Also get in touch with the SEMA Action Network aka SEMASAN at


In matter of fact the Sema advertisement in this months issue (Sept '07) of

Import Tuner magizine talks about this exact same scenario.

SEMA's Job is to protect inviduals such as yourself and us in the

Car Community against the hassle and redicules of Unlawful Goverment "Crackdowns" and

uncaring, unkind, idiots like this guy.

Heres an excerpt of what they're about,

"The SEMA Action Network is a nationwide partnership of car clubs, and individual enthusiasts (like you) who work together to impact legislation that affects car and truck hobbyists of all kinds. By joining the SAN you will receive up-to-date alerts on hobby-related legislation in your state and across the country. Best of all – it’s free."

Diffenately take time out of your 6 months and get touch with these two

agencies and this assult on your way of life will not stand :rambo:

If you need more advice let us know.


In SE Va you can cover the vehicle and NOT tagged, inspected or insured as long as you want. It must be on private property not beyond the front of the house or building (but I seen otherwise), not public roadway or easements. It must be able to run and move on it's on but that doesn't mean roadworthy. I would refer to state law which the local yocals usually refer to directly in their city ordinances (been there and read the codes). I've had a Land Rover (no engine!)covered for several months after getting busted by the zoning inspector's office and threatened with big fines for a variety of cars and parts scattered uncovered (my bad....). They dropped by to see everything cleared by the drop dead date and disappeared never to be heard from again. Maybe you could locate the car in a storage unit for a brief time and then break it back out (using a cover) after time has passed and the city jerks have found other criminals to pursue. That's what I'd do if the car was worth it to me.

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