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1975 datsun 280z 2+2 won't start


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i think it is the relays because i already replaced the fusible links like i said the one day it was running and it wouldn't start after i turned it off and i have tried almost everything else so the only thing left is electrical also sorry about the fuel pressure might take a while to get a gauge to test it

you guys have been alot of help so far i didn't know about this site until about 6 months after my car started having problems

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If you have tried everything else, check the injector fusible link at the battery. It will be connected to the positive teminal and should have a plastic device on the wire to prevent it being pulled apart. Also check your fusible link array on the passenger side fenderwell. Those things unless they are perfect, are a complete PITA! Most Z owners who are not intersted in keeping their cars 100% original have upgreaded the fusible links. I know I have and it made a world of difference in how my car ran. Heck!...Everything electric worked better afterwards. Hope this helps and remember, always check the simple things first. Dan

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did you replace the cold start injector too?

While that question is a little more useful than post #28, the cold start valve isn't going to keep his car from running. Even if there is a problem with it, it would be much easier to address once the car is running. I'd say, for now, forget about the cold start valve.

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you'd be surprised, my buddy had a similar problem and all he did was replaced the cold start injector and it started an ran beautifully, and you could always just get a noid tester and just test the injector, easiest way to go about it. No harm in that. and a voltmeter to see if there's power coming to it, simple and rule that out.(I'm almost at this point on mine, only a hundred more steps to go!:cry:)

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I'd be suprised? I'm not the one asking for advice here. If you would read through my posts (I wouldn't really expect you to do that) but if you did, you'd notice that I've never come here to ask for mechanical advice. My cars run. If and when they develop problems I know how to fix them. I've been working on these things since they've existed. I have test equipment and know how to use it. My point was to not just start throwing parts at it as so many seem to suggest here. It's really difficult to determine a problem based on someone's typed description of the symptoms. Simple advice gets completely bypassed. Like checking the fuel pressure, checking the injector pulse, etc. Most problems I see here are ususally caused by something simple. Generally you have someone who has replaced something that probably didn't need replacing and made some mistake in the process like forgetting to plug something in or using the wrong component etc. Nothing here surprises me.

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Not trying to argue, just saying a test is simple and eliminates components, using stuff that happened to a buddy in the past to try and solve this problem, not saying I'm right or wrong just suggesting a test, If it works congrats if, it doesn't at least you know the part's still good.

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Who's arguning? Tests are a good thing but test what makes sense. 'Dry spark plugs' and he stated earlier in this thread don't suggest a bad cold start valve. Simple things first based on the symptoms. Injector pulse, fuel pressure. Based on the results, go from there. "did you replace the cold start injector too?" were your words. Sounds like a suggestion to toss parts at it to me. You didn't suggest a test until I questioned that. At any rate, I was just suggesting a simpler course of action. The more information you give someone who is inexperienced with these cars the more confusing they become.

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