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I just finished flushing and changing the engine and tranny oil. I used Slick 50 in the engine and the best synthetic oil i could find(Castrol Syntex) I used gear oil and Lucas oil stabalizer for the transmission. So I'm on the road in town and i find my self first at the traffec light when a guy in a little Honda Prelude pulls up. He is with his girl and is revving his engine(four cylinder with the big fat goofy exhaust tip) So, i figure, ok, GAME ON!!! The light turns gree and i pop the clutch...(slower than i usually do) but we are neck and neck then it happens, i hear a back fire and my car slows down...he pulls ahead and i'm pissed...i notice this happening as i hit 2nd at 3500 rpms sometimes...what is it? vacume leak? bad gas? poor spark plug? what? HELP


When are we going to learn that street racing/dragging is dumb... Innocent lives can be put at stake as well as massive property damage.

Not to mention the danger of ruining a perfectly good zed.. if ya want to prove something, remember "Real men do it on a track"

:finger: To all street racers..

Ok, ditto and....

Number 1: Your car is WAAAAAY too mature to be dragging a stupid punk in a Prelude. Learn discretion, man.

Number 2: Here's your real problem: "as i hit 2nd at 3500 rpms. " What's this 3500 crap????? Your Z wants to hit 2nd at about 5200! You should be doing 40 when you hit 2nd!


What can i say, i'm 40 years old, and i felt a twinge of testosterone when the punk revved his 4 banger:) anyways i dont usually stoop the the drag race at the light thing... Hey i checked each plug and found 2 bad ones and some with carbon buildup. I bought a fresh set of Splitfires and new plug wires...the car runns like a dream now. Thanks to my wife for caughing up the $34.83 at walmart:) LOL.


I think we've all been there with the honda's and eclipses, especially the 'Uncle Ben's specials'. When you have a nice car that's fast and you get challenged it's hard to restrain. The reality is, yeah we shouldn't street race, but it happens. We also know that trying to get any of these punks on a track, ("excuse me. I don't want to race you now but can we meet this weekend at the local track? ") isn't real either.

I know this isn't exactly what people mean when they say keep it on the track, but to sit completely idol when in this situation, please? I would be really, really,really surprised if the folks preaching about the sins of street racing haven't engaged in it a few times themselves. At least stayed with someone for a bit. I'll probably catch hell for my thoughts here but please reflect on your own actions before calling the kettle black.:finger: Besides what fun is having a fast car if your going to drive at or below the speed limit? Get a VW bug!

I think we all know we should not street race. I try not to.... I usually manage not to drive like I did when I was in my teens and twentys, and thirtys, and well you get the picture. I had to restrain myself this morning on the way to work, if you call bailing at 65 in a 35 bailing. twenty years ago there would have been no bailing out the sky was the limit... MaybeI am wiser? but I have to agree that the reason I drive a sports car is to thrash it about, slide through a few corners, burn a little rubber. And the track isn't always there when I am in the mood. Mostly I just want to enjoy the thing that makes it a sports car. and that ain't pretty paint.

Also I did not want to shock any one, but Honda's and Datsuns are made in the same country. Back when I was young the Datsuns were called "rice rockets". As for the kids.... we were young too ... some of still are.

Have fun.. Play safe.. Be nice... and kick thier butts when it safe.

number one. drag racing is stupid period end of it.

nmber two. castrol syntec is not sythetic oil. it is highly refined dyno oil.

number three. SPLITFIRES:stupid: tell me you didnt say that. remove that garbage from your car before it spits them out at you. get NGK!!!!!!!!

number four. you bought wires at wal mart???? now tell me what possesed you to do that.????

sorry about ragging but man o man. learn that your car deserves better.

yeah...ok...like everyone else street racing is probably the dumbest thing ull do, but im sure EVERY Z owner has engaged at least once. Also, dont stoop down to some ricer in a honda...save it for the punks in their mustangs LOL . In any case...being 17 i know the urge and gave in one to many times, the pics speak for themeselves. You try flippin' ur car at 80mph and crawling out the window turning around and seeing ur baby all mangled and beat....not the mention the aftermath. Partaking in a speed contest is a misdemeanor u know? Yeah...well...the legal system will rip u open and let u bleed slowly. Just look....think...and please dont race....(on the street anyway) anything can happen esp if the other guy is a dumbass and cuts u off! Them Z's dont stop to well unless uve done the 4-piston calipers. K well...look at my baby below...


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