The first step in utilizing the full capabilities of this site is registering for an account. By registering for an account, you are able to post questions/comments, post pictures in the Gallery, post Classified ads, communicate with other members, as well as other tasks that could not easily be done by non-members.
To register for an account, locate the link that says "Register" as pictured below:
[Pic coming soon]
After clicking on this link you will be directed to read the Classic Zcar Club Rules. Please read these rules and click the box where it says "I have read, and agree to abide by the Classic Zcar Club rules " and then click the button that says "Register."
You will then be directed to the page where you can choose your User name, set your password, and enter in a basic profile:
[Pic coming soon]
The first text box is "User Name." Put in your desired User Name (note that some will be taken) and proceed to the next two boxes for your password. Put the same password in both fields (and remember what you put!), then proceed to the next text box. This section is where you fill out your e-mail address (in both fields) so that you can receive your account activation. The next box is for image verification. In order to prevent spambots, the Classic Zcar Club website requires you to retype the text that is displayed in the image into the text box.
The next section is where you put your profile information (see below). This section requires your Real Name, Location, any Zcars you own or have owned, and your Date of Birth.
[Pic coming soon]
The final section of this page asks for a few pieces of additional information (see below). This is where you would put the name of anyone who has referred you to the site, your time zone information, and whether or not you would like to receive emails from the administrators.
[Pic coming soon]
Once all of the required fields are filled in, click the button that says "Complete Registration."
If there were any issues with anything that was filled in, a pop-up will appear instructing you of what remains to be filled in. Once these issues have been corrected you can proceed to the next section.
If there were no issues or all issues have been corrected, you will see a page that instructs you to check your email and follow the directions in the email. Go ahead and do so!
Once you follow the link in the email, you will see yet another page that says that your registration is now complete. Up in the top right corner you will see a couple text boxes that ask for your User name and Password, like such:
[Pic coming soon]
Enter your designated User name, Password, and click the box next to "Remember Me?" if you would like the site to automatically log you in each time. Click the "Login" button, and you are ready to begin browsing the forums!
Please continue to the next section: Searching for Information by clicking HERE [Link coming soon], or return to the New User Welcome Thread by clicking HERE [Link coming soon]!
The first step in utilizing the full capabilities of this site is registering for an account. By registering for an account, you are able to post questions/comments, post pictures in the Gallery, post Classified ads, communicate with other members, as well as other tasks that could not easily be done by non-members.
To register for an account, locate the link that says "Register" as pictured below:
[Pic coming soon]
After clicking on this link you will be directed to read the Classic Zcar Club Rules. Please read these rules and click the box where it says "I have read, and agree to abide by the Classic Zcar Club rules " and then click the button that says "Register."
You will then be directed to the page where you can choose your User name, set your password, and enter in a basic profile:
[Pic coming soon]
The first text box is "User Name." Put in your desired User Name (note that some will be taken) and proceed to the next two boxes for your password. Put the same password in both fields (and remember what you put!), then proceed to the next text box. This section is where you fill out your e-mail address (in both fields) so that you can receive your account activation. The next box is for image verification. In order to prevent spambots, the Classic Zcar Club website requires you to retype the text that is displayed in the image into the text box.
The next section is where you put your profile information (see below). This section requires your Real Name, Location, any Zcars you own or have owned, and your Date of Birth.
[Pic coming soon]
The final section of this page asks for a few pieces of additional information (see below). This is where you would put the name of anyone who has referred you to the site, your time zone information, and whether or not you would like to receive emails from the administrators.
[Pic coming soon]
Once all of the required fields are filled in, click the button that says "Complete Registration."
If there were any issues with anything that was filled in, a pop-up will appear instructing you of what remains to be filled in. Once these issues have been corrected you can proceed to the next section.
If there were no issues or all issues have been corrected, you will see a page that instructs you to check your email and follow the directions in the email. Go ahead and do so!
Once you follow the link in the email, you will see yet another page that says that your registration is now complete. Up in the top right corner you will see a couple text boxes that ask for your User name and Password, like such:
[Pic coming soon]
Enter your designated User name, Password, and click the box next to "Remember Me?" if you would like the site to automatically log you in each time. Click the "Login" button, and you are ready to begin browsing the forums!
Please continue to the next section: Searching for Information by clicking HERE [Link coming soon], or return to the New User Welcome Thread by clicking HERE [Link coming soon]!
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