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... I won't tell him the correct amount of talc to use when hiding in a corner.

I'm not going to tell him WHICH corner to hide in either. SO THERE !!!!!!!

(If you think the drivel above was stupid, well, ... so's complaining about something that neither Mike or Will has absolutely no control over. For my two cents, I reckon you blokes do a bloody great job).



I knew I had to have been using too much or too little talc, and hiding in the wrong corner...no wonder the site went down....

Rick-obviously it is your bloody fault! ROFL


My attitude is that it is more difficult and far more productive to be part of an answer to a problem(oh say for instance repeated site downings in quick succession...) than to gripe about the problem.

Now I do have a pair of questions for you to answer:

1) Exactly what part of my attitude needs to be adjusted?

2) Exactly what makes you think it needs to be adjusted?


Will,you're kiddin'-right?I've been putting up with the "crashes" since i joined.And i ask a simple,straight forward question,and YOU say i should be part of the solution to a problem i didn't know existed?:stupid:

Judging by others posts,there IS a problem.And it is being looked into.That's all someone had to say.

Z train,


I suggest you go back and read your original post. You came across rather strong and pissed off.

I suspect a lot of the other members took your wording as I did. I for one took offence at your choice of words. You may not have meant it that way but that's how I read your comment.

"What the hell is wrong with this forum?"

That's a pretty strong statement.

"This is getting really friggin' old".

That sounds pissed off to me.

That is NOT just a "simple, straight forward question".

Sailor Bob has the right idea. $10.oo each would just about set Mike up for retirement. My problem is that last time I sent $10.oo to America it cost me more than that just to send it!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Z train,


I suggest you go back and read your original post. You came across rather strong and pissed off.

I suspect a lot of the other members took your wording as I did. I for one took offence at your choice of words. You may not have meant it that way but that's how I read your comment.

"What the hell is wrong with this forum?"

That's a pretty strong statement.

"This is getting really friggin' old".

That sounds pissed off to me.

That is NOT just a "simple, straight forward question".

Sailor Bob has the right idea. $10.oo each would just about set Mike up for retirement. My problem is that last time I sent $10.oo to America it cost me more than that just to send it!!!!!!!!!!!!!



The internet is what is known as a "dead medium".There really is no way to read emotion into a post.My topic was simply a poser-almost rhetorical.As in-damn this is getting annoying.wizz-off-nahhh.Trust me-you'll be able to tell when i'm pissed off.I'll post 153 of these things>:finger:

I am in the hosting business and I have spoken to Mike on several occasions regarding hosting this site as I have an interest, like the rest of you do, to see this site up.

The truth is to maintain a site like this takes a good amount of time and money. Both of which are in high demand for anyone. Mike does not get paid for doing this, as a matter of fact this site takes a lot of his time and costs him money on a month in month out basis.

Finally, the internet is anything but a stable environment. Anyone who thinks it is, is not in this industry. There are lots of things that can go wrong. Staying away from Windows is a step in the right direction. Backups (Cron jobs), RAID, redundant power, cooling and connectivity are also good ideas. I know Mike is doing what he can.

Keep that in mind next time you see this site go down.

If you think you can do better I suggest to go ahead and do so, instead of complaining...

It is VERY easy to complain, it is much more difficult to run a site like this.

I will get off my soap box now.

Come on, guys! Note the section this is posted in. I didn't take it that seriously. Take the two statements "What the hell is wrong with this forum?" and "This is getting really friggin' old" and think "Jerry Seinfeld".

Will,you're kiddin'-right?I've been putting up with the "crashes" since i joined.And i ask a simple,straight forward question,and YOU say i should be part of the solution to a problem i didn't know existed?:stupid:

Judging by others posts,there IS a problem.And it is being looked into.That's all someone had to say.

We all see the same issues you do, some of us simply choose to spend our time working on correcting the issues and not commenting in them. I did not take offense to your first post, but I did wonder why anyone would post a comment that could be so easily taken as a gripe directed at the powers that be, specially considering the only compelling cost to reap the benefits of this site is the initiative to use a mouse, a keyboard, and spend some time.

I see this site as a gift from Mike, and to a lesser extent from those that volunteer to help with it.

I took what you posted as rude (because of word choice and structure), not offensive, but certainly not polite. As a moderator, offensive I cut out of the threads, rude stays...to a point.

As to the Crashes, and putting up with them. The railroad has tracks out there for everyone to interfere with, and like it or not coins, rocks and more gets put on the tracks, wiring and hardware gets stolen, and and it will cause issues, and they will in some cases cause service delays and occasionally, interruptions. None of that is the fault of the railroad, and they take steps to limit and correct those issues.

Unlike the Railroad(at least to my knowledge) there are people on the internet who take great joy in completely stopping things, and don't even have to leave home to do it. Please realize in so much as you cannot be expected to react to every situation that could involve your paid job immediately as it happens, neither can the volunteers here.

My personal thought purely on griping about this site is:

Your griping is valid and valuable, we'll let you know when we need it.

My personal thoughts purely on Z related facts and questions are:

Your Z communication is valid and valuable, we need it when ever the mood strikes you to share it.

My personal thoughts on Jerry Seinfeld:

His show was all about what he should have been paid for it.

I use the same strategy on my one year old-it isn't what you say, it is how you say it.


I I know Mike is doing what he can.

FINE!!!That's all that had to be said!!!


Keep that in mind next time you see this site go down.

If you think you can do better I suggest to go ahead and do so, instead of complaining...

It is VERY easy to complain, it is much more difficult to run a site like this.

I will get off my soap box now.

Exactly what part of"I was asking a question" don't you get?

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