January 10, 200817 yr Author comment_233462 We all see the same issues you do, some of us simply choose to spend our time working on correcting the issues and not commenting in them. I did not take offense to your first post, but I did wonder why anyone would post a comment that could be so easily taken as a gripe directed at the powers that be, specially considering the only compelling cost to reap the benefits of this site is the initiative to use a mouse, a keyboard, and spend some time.Once again,i am not "liable" for how someone "takes" a post.If you think something is ambiguous,ASK-i'll clarify!I see this site as a gift from Mike, and to a lesser extent from those that volunteer to help with it. I took what you posted as rude (because of word choice and structure), not offensive, but certainly not polite. As a moderator, offensive I cut out of the threads, rude stays...to a point. Your defintion of offensive really needs some up dating.I posted nothing of the kind.As to the Crashes, and putting up with them. The railroad has tracks out there for everyone to interfere with, and like it or not coins, rocks and more gets put on the tracks, wiring and hardware gets stolen, and and it will cause issues, and they will in some cases cause service delays and occasionally, interruptions. None of that is the fault of the railroad, and they take steps to limit and correct those issues. Great analogy.Except that when i'm staring at a red A-signal because some hype stole a relay out of a switch house,the dispatcher lets us know what is going on.And/or he flags us past the problem.________________________________________________Unlike the Railroad(at least to my knowledge) there are people on the internet who take great joy in completely stopping things, and don't even have to leave home to do it. Please realize in so much as you cannot be expected to react to every situation that could involve your paid job immediately as it happens, neither can the volunteers here.Again,i asked a question.____________________________________________________________My personal thought purely on griping about this site is:Your griping is valid and valuable, we'll let you know when we need it.No need to-i'll post when I see fit.____________________________________________________________My personal thoughts purely on Z related facts and questions are:Your Z communication is valid and valuable, we need it when ever the mood strikes you to share it.Mood?Are you serious?If someone is in need of knowledge that i have are you suggesting that i have to be in the right"mood" to share it?:stupid:My personal thoughts on Jerry Seinfeld:His show was all about what he should have been paid for it.I use the same strategy on my one year old-it isn't what you say, it is how you say it.This gets back to my "dead medium"comment.WillSBlake01 hit it dead nuts with his analogy.He got it. Link to comment https://www.classiczcars.com/forums/topic/26673-what-the-hell-is-wrong-with-this-forum/?&page=4#findComment-233462 Share on other sites More sharing options...
January 10, 200817 yr comment_233465 OK, I say lets just end this bullsh!t right here and now. This is going absolutely no where so lets all appologize to each other for over reacting. WE ALL did wheather it's misunderstanding what one person said or a certain someone used words that looked bad over the computer, but wasn't meant to be insulting. Whatever lets just end this PLEASE. I'll start- I appologize if I misread something and I appologize if I got a little carried away on the keyboard. I think we all agree on one thing here and thats that we love our Z's and love talking to each other about them. Lets keep it that way I'm done Link to comment https://www.classiczcars.com/forums/topic/26673-what-the-hell-is-wrong-with-this-forum/?&page=4#findComment-233465 Share on other sites More sharing options...
January 10, 200817 yr comment_233470 OK, I say lets just end this bullsh!t right here and now. I'll start- I appologize if I misread something and I appologize if I got a little carried away on the keyboard. I think we all agree on one thing here and thats that we love our Z's and love talking to each other about them. Lets keep it that way I'm done Ok, Im next, I'm sorry too Actually, I dont get all THAT bent outta shape when the site is down, just gives me an excuse to look at porn sites, just to find a post worthy of the "boobs" post on here of course! Link to comment https://www.classiczcars.com/forums/topic/26673-what-the-hell-is-wrong-with-this-forum/?&page=4#findComment-233470 Share on other sites More sharing options...
January 11, 200817 yr comment_233680 Every 2-3 maybe 4 days the board crashes.This is getting really friggin' old.Hi guys, sorry I just saw this post the other day and have some time to reply to it now... Man, if YOU are annoyed at the server going down... imagine how *I* feel about it. Sometimes I don't know what's going on until it's been offline for a few hours (or even a whole day). I normally have a watchdog process running, but, the last few crashes have been hard and nothing works (the OS is actually down).The bummer part of our current server is that we have no method to control the system when it's like this -- I normally walk over to the machine and physically power cycle it.Arne and I have put our heads together and come up with a solution to improve what we can so far. But, I have reason to believe the hard disk might be failing.The GOOD NEWS about this issue is that I have found a brand new, enterprise class, server to replace our existing server. For the past few years our servers have been running on 'hand-me-downs' and donations. While these are nice and low cost, it just caused more grief from a system administration level. Old hardware usually doesn't have features like remote administration or other things to make my life easier. Anyway, our new server is an HP enterprise system with remote power control and a RAID for the operating system. I'll post another announcement about the server specs and the plan to migrate to the new system later.I wanted to reply to let you know that we are aware of the situations with the server downtime. It has been annoying for all of us and we are doing what we can to prevent this issue in the future. We've come a long way from the Pentium 3 machine.. We've also come a long way from a few hundred members and page hits, to 15k members and page hits per day... Just growing pains....-- Mike Link to comment https://www.classiczcars.com/forums/topic/26673-what-the-hell-is-wrong-with-this-forum/?&page=4#findComment-233680 Share on other sites More sharing options...
January 12, 200817 yr comment_233748 Since this IS on the Funnybone forum, let's see if we can have some "Fun"...Next time a police officer pulls you over while driving, wait till they're at the window and ask in the MOST non-confrontational and monotone voice you can muster..."Shouldn't you be out catching criminals?" Then post what happens next.Or better yet, go to the Department of Auto Licensing in your state, province or country, wait through the required extended line and then again, in your best Stephen Wright monotone, ask: "How come it takes so long?" Then post what happens next.At a supermarket, approach the mother of a child who is having a hissy fit right smack in the middle of the store and ask, again in your best dead pan and non-confrontational manner...."Do you know how to raise children?" And be sure to let us know what happens next.Any takers out there as to what might happen?I'm sure some of you are chuckling over the mental images these bring to mind. Like Chris Rock (the comedian) says in his video "How not to get arrested...", you don't antagonize the police. And in the other two instances, no matter how dead-pan and un-emotional your question gets asked, a little common sense tells you that if they take offense at what you said, no matter what your intentions were....your message was DECIDEDLY NOT received the way you thought it would be.Intentions are moot if the message conveyed is deemed offensive or argumentative by the recipient. The only thing to do at that point is to apologize and realize that you did not realize you stepped on someone's broken toe. (Happened to me and my broken toe at a movie...could I have sued?) To defend the misstep, along the lines of "You shouldn't have had your feet where I could step on them", .... or "I didn't mean to step on it, so shut up already", is at best, anti-social and boorish behaviour.Inflection in written text can only be added by careful choices in the words used and the punctuation applied. When you don't use either....you, the writer, ARE responsible for the miscommunication. Just like holding a door open for a feminist, when the verbal assault begins...you apologize and move on. You don't get into an argument over whether she could have opened the door herself or not, or whether she should have just accepted the gesture and moved on. We've all fallen victim to that on one thread or another.Next funny bone post, we'll tackle the conversation over saying "God Bless You" to an atheist after they sneeze.=================Now this was INTENDED to be FUNNY, SARCASTIC, A BIT IRREVERENT, AND A THUMP ON THE HEAD TO THOSE THAT GOT THEIR UNDIES IN A BUNCH.IF that still leaves you torqued off and wanting to argue....head over to X-car.com .....Just a poke in the gut.....EP.S. I dedicate this to Rick (1 Bravo 6) and his famous comebacks to numerous posts between Bill and Will and the rest of us "innocent" and not-so innocent bystanders. Link to comment https://www.classiczcars.com/forums/topic/26673-what-the-hell-is-wrong-with-this-forum/?&page=4#findComment-233748 Share on other sites More sharing options...
January 12, 200817 yr comment_233754 Sorry if I disagree. This is not a traffic stop, the DMV, or a supermarket. It's a thread entitled 'Funnybone' on a car site. The reactions fall under the heading of 'Much ado about nothing'. I'm not one of the ones that argued. I got it. Let's move on. Link to comment https://www.classiczcars.com/forums/topic/26673-what-the-hell-is-wrong-with-this-forum/?&page=4#findComment-233754 Share on other sites More sharing options...
January 12, 200817 yr comment_233786 A thread will disappear into archives if you stop adding to it. (Hint hint.) Kinda like jock itch (or a fly bite if you prefer) - if you scratch it, it will itch. Link to comment https://www.classiczcars.com/forums/topic/26673-what-the-hell-is-wrong-with-this-forum/?&page=4#findComment-233786 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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