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Hello All. AKA STAYZ75Z. 1975 280 Z, timing chain tensioner replaced. started right up when I got the firing order right. TDC was off 20 degs. Which isn't bad for being the first time I have taken an engine apart by myself. She ran rough for a short time then she died. Now there is no spark, the rotor isn't turning.

What to do now? I need some help from all of you. My friend Marvin wants to help me but I still remember how the last Z car turned out after he worked on it. My husband Michael used to call him "Half-assed Marvin".

I was told that I did a great job.

Stacey Pike- Cornish

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Pretty cool when a chic plays with engines. Years ago my wife used to help me work on her car. (Me guiding) There's something respectable about a woman that can get a couple spots of grease on her and keep going.

Maybe this is just some members sick idea of a response to the thread "Where have all the girls gone" :)

God, I hope that the chain is still on and engaged in the right teeth. From what I've read a "bad chain day" will leave you with bent valves. (Read take head off and replace valves & hope that no pistons got holed) When the chain and pistons are out of sync the pistons will strike the valves and bend them so they can't seat properly.

Have you tried taking the valve cover off verify that everything's alright? Turn the engine until the crank mark is at TDC and check the timing chain bright link for proper alignment. (Some chains don't have a bright link meaning take the cover off and check alignment bottom mark/top mark) Might have to turn it through a couple TDC's to align it because the 1/2 revolution reduction won't bring the link to it's mark every time. Hope I'm making sense. You can do a quick check by taking off the oil cap and looking for cam rotation during cranking. Does the engine sound "normal" when it's cranking or does it sound like some cylinders are putting up little resistance as the engine turns over. (Bent valves/no compression in "bad" cylinders))

Hopefully it's just a simple matter of the distributor needing to be engaged with the drive. Push down after rotating to mate.



i know this may sound basic...but you say 'no spark..the rotor isn't turning' did you take the rotor cap off and see that the rotor isn't turning directly, or just check via plug wires..

if the rotor disconnected from the distributor shaft. i'd say you'd have to re-do the timing chain

FWIW. your husband is right...ditch Marvin and find a competent mechanic

Maybe this is just some members sick idea of a response to the thread "Where have all the girls gone" :)

I just read your story... STAYZ75Z. A very nice story and also very sad. I'm glad you have something to remember him by though.

Didn't mean to doubt that you were a woman but given the recent thread and the sense of humor on the 'net anythings possible.

Whatever I/we can do to help.


I have always loved to get down & dirty even before I met my husband. Working on cars was the best choice for me, LOL

I have taken the valve cover off and the chain was almost 20 degs. off- hand turned the cam to TDC. Checked plugs and a couple were fouled so cleaned them and replaced them. Plug wires had no spark so I took off the distributor cap and cranked her over to see what the heck and the rotor didn't turn.

I phoned my sisters ex and he had to come over to check it out. He said to start with the distributor and go from there.

I started this and no one has helped me at all. That is the way I wanted it.

Ever since my husband died everyone had been coming over trying to tell me what, how and when to take care of my things. I had to tell everyone to back off because all they wanted to do was to get in my front door to see how much something weighed so when I turned my back they could take it.

All of my "so-called friends and family". I have been alone for almost 8 months now. anyway enough of the sob story. Thanks for the support and help. I have manuals but it doesn't tell you everything.

I took the distributor out and the core shaft isn't broken or anything like that. So now what?


The distributor and oil pump is driven from the oil pump/distributor driveshaft. The driveshaft is driven from a gear on the crankshaft. Did you by chance remove this gear then working on the chain tensioner?

Is the cam turning when your crank the engine? If not maybe the tensioner popped out of the holder and the chain is loose.

Sorry about asking so many questions. It could be so many things since the timing chain is off timing.

I've been sitting back and watching on this one since I've never had it happen on any Datsun L series engine I've ever dealt with. I'm pretty sure the gear has to be in there because you said the car "ran rough for a short time then she died" and it wouldn't run at all w/o the gear. 20 degrees is a substantial amount for the timing to be off if you're talking cam to crank timing rather than ignition timing. I'd start by correcting that and then making certain that the distributor is properly mounted. On the other comment; even if the cam wasn't turning when you crank the engine, the distributor should still turn since it's driven by the crankshaft. Keep us posted.

AH! You're right Sblake! I'm thinking of another engine.


How about forgetting the key for the timing gear?? (Gear that slides over crank.)

It's possible that the gear is simply spinning on the shaft.

A quick test would be to see if the shaft that drives the dizzy can be hand(read needle nose pliers) turned. The fit of the gear may be tight enough to not permit this. It might even rotate the dizzy a bit. (But out of sync with the rest)

This would be great because no valve damage would have taken place. It could also explain the 20 degree thing.

Fingers crossed,


Sunday- 1:30 p.m.

Thanks I will try to get out there to check that. I really wished one of you guys were close enough to come over and help me. The guys I know I don't trust enough. They would give me the wrong advise just to screw me up.

I was wondering if photos would help? I just found my digital camera so I could take pictures to show you.

I sure will keep you posted. Sorry if I word things wrong sometimes.

Plus you would know that the page I need in the Haynes manual is missing. Page 227-228 troubleshooting.


previously owned:

1973 240 Z Series 4

1974 260 2+2 Z

1974 260 Z

1977 280 Z


1975 280 Z

1988 BMW 325is(piece of crap)daily driven

"Drive Fast- Take Chances"


I took out the distributor and everything looked ok with the core. I am going to get that car on the road this weekend even if she has to be pulled or pushed by someone elses car!!!! LOL!!!!

I can not stand the car I have to drive everyday. I swear it is the worst BMW ever made.

I will check in after the weekend and let you all know if the car is on her own power or someone elses.


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