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Hi Bart:

Once we know exactly what car you have {after you supply the VIN}- we can recommend the specific Factory Service Manual you will need. The Nissan/Datsun Factory Service Manuals are the best ones to own. You might have to watch E-Bay to get one today, or perhaps one of the members here will have a spare that they would sell.

Secondly - you need to take clear pictures of the parts for the car, that you received with the car, in boxes. That way we can tell you if any major parts are missing.


Carl B.

Bart, I currently have 68 pictures in my gallery:


But there are a lot more from other members.

My best advice it to do the things that Carl listed above, and when you are about to start on some task that is new to you, search the subject in the forums here. There is a wealth of information here, some of which is hard to find from other sources.

See you later.


Here is a thread to let you know that there are several of us with you in this work. If you want to see the details go to my photo album some of the work progress is posted there.


Hello Bart,

what a never ending body work. Your pictures remember me on mull.

from Norway http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFPc6VCnHSc&NR

Where are you living in Holland ?

Probrobably I can help you with the microfiche. Send me your adress with a pm.

Cheers Rainer (Living near Venlo)

Hello Rainer,

Maybe you can drop bye some time, a friend a mine is also coming from Tegelen ( close to Venlo ) to work here on his car. I think you could help me with alot of information.

Hi Bart:

HLS30 163693 would have had a Date of Manufacture of 06/73. So it would have been a 1973 Model Year 240Z.

It would most likely have had an original engine serial number in the range of L24-175xxx to L24-182xxx

So it would have been originally equipped with:

- the Flat Top emissions carb.'s

- 2.5 mph bumpers

- steel head light nacelles

- 3 speed intermittent windshield wipers

- lighted heater/vent controls

in addition to the standard equipment found on the 72 Model Year 240-Z's.

Okay thanks.. it has steel head light nacelles indeed. Ow and the second part of the serial begint with L63 instead of 163, but that won't make the different i guess..

I has a sunroof too? Is that original or made in later?

Thanks, Bart.

Hello Bart,

the world is a village. Und US condition we are neigbours (less 10 miles)

Are you comming from Tegeln too ?

I have a comfortable amount of documentation.

Anyway most of the sunroofes are not original, and everybody wan't to remove it. But forget to weld a sheet metal in. Look for a complet roof.

Look at Marktplaats.nl 136855337 it's a very good deal !




The Datsun manufacturing plate was mounted in the door jam at the rear of the drivers door at where you elbow rests when you are siting in the drivers seat. If that was still there when you got the car, thats what you got. From your pics, I cant tell if its a 240, 260, or 280. If its a '71, then thats good. Its a couple of hundred pounds lighter than the rest.

As for parts, motorsport is good.... but the link provided above by biddljj may not be the best one...

Try this one... http://www.thezstore.com/store_map_TZS.html

You will see a lot more of what you might need.

Im jealous because you are ahead of me in your restoration. Mine too will come down to the shell..... but I cant start that for about another 6 weeks... :/

Keep posting so I can learn from your experences. :D

...So it would have been originally equipped with:

- the Flat Top emissions carb.'s

- 2.5 mph bumpers...

Did they really put the flat top U.S. specification carbs and the 5 MPH bumpers on the cars that went to Europe?

(The original U.S. bumper specification starting in 73 was 5 MPH on the bumpers. They lowered it to 2.5 in the late 80's to help with fuel economy, right before the SUV craze. Of course SUVs, being trucks, are exempt from the bumper requirements, and have bumpers that are just about as strong as the ones on my 71 240z.)

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