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Head Gasket installation


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Well, this weekend I am going to start diving into the engine bay. I got a bad head gasket water leak that I need to get fixed.

While I have the head off I am going to go a head and get some other things done.

I was going to take the head to the shop to get it cleaned and inspected and while it was there I was wanting to get the valves ported. I read somewhere that you can port the valves 0.010 over and drop in 280z valves for some better air/exhuast flow. This is true correct and is it as simple as that?

Then I was going to get a Stage II cam thrown in there as well. Now, would the original rockers, lobs, and springs work just fine with the Stage II cam and 280z valves? I know that in general, it would be a good idea to replace all of those things, but money is tight and that kit is expensive. The engine only has 99,500 miles on it, so I am thinking that these parts are still plenty good.

Is there anything else that I might be missing or need to take into consideration?

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It is strongly recommended to at least resurface the rockers, or replace them with new. Because they have a wear pattern for the old cam, you could destroy the new one . I would replace the springs also since your new cam is for hi revs . You don't want to float the valves and punch holes in the pistons or bend your new valves. I would do the same thing with a new OEM cam. I know they are spendy but it goes with the territory. In for a penny in for a pound, sort of thing. Do you know what the compression is on your engine now? Because , this is the time to mill the head if you need to , for the cam. The Shop can cc the chambers and tell you what you can expect for compression ratio . From stock you can remove up to .030" with out having to shim the towers. Gary

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