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Hello everyone!

I'm looking to buy a Z soon (as soon as I sell my silly PT Cruiser), but I've hit a bit of a dilema. I was hoping maybe you experienced owners out there could offer some advice. I'm having trouble deciding between a pre-smog 240Z, or a 280Z (maybe '82-'83 turbo).

From what I've come to understand, I could do anything I wanted to a 240, but until I can afford to modify or convert the engine, I'm looking at worse gas mileage than the 280, and not nearly as much Go-Go. The 280zx on the other hand, gets better gas mileage, and has more power, but there are a lot more limitations on what I can do to it. I've also been told that the carb engine is easier to work on than the fuel injected. I'm just learning how to work on cars, so less complicated is a plus.

So am I mistaken on anything? Can anyone offer any imput? I would REALLY appreciate your wisdom on the matter.


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Oh, and as far as the PT Being a spiritual successor? HAH! That's hilarious! My PT goes from 0 to 60 in about ten minutes(0k, maybe 10 seconds... on a downhill), and trying to pass people on the freeway is often more dangerous than it's worth. I get passed by angry soccer moms in minivans. It's turning is mediocre at best, and I only get about 18mpg, 20 TOPS. No joke! Of course, mine is also non-turbo.

I'm sorry to hear that your PT is in such sad shape. Nonetheless, if we review all the Road Tests of both the PT and the 240-Z, you'll see that when compared "new car" to "new car"... they are in fact very close.

We'll have to check farther - but I think the PT actually has a lower Cd than the Z as well.


----------------------240-Z------------------- PT

0-60 - - - - -- - - - 8.7 (R/T) - - - - - - - 8.5 (CD)

1/4 mile 17.1 (R/T) 16.6 (MT) 16.7(CD)

Top Spd.. 115 (tested) 112(tested-CD)

Engine 2.4L/150hp 2.4L/150 (MT)

60-0 brake 151ft. (SCG) 120ft.

70-0 185 ft (CD-Street Mod) 186(CD)

Lat. G 0.73(RT) 0.78(CD)

Ground Clearance 6.5" 6.5"

Fuel Capacity 15.9 gal 15gal


CD=Car & Driver

RT=Road & Track

SCG=Sports Car Graphic

MT=Motor Trend

Different Road Tests done by different mag.'s reported slightly different results - but that was true for both cars. The above are just typical examples of the reported spec.'s.

The PT was heavier, had FAR more emissions and safety equipment - but the efficiency of the Front Wheel Drive helped off-set some of the weight and emissions/safety penalties.

Actually the two cars separated by 31 years - were very close in terms of their target performance ranges..

The in-line six and lighter weight in the Z does give it an advantage in mid-range speed performance..


Carl B.

Alright, I have another question if you would'nt mind. I'm seeing a fair few 240z's with 280 engines in them. I's this getting the best of both worlds? Or is this just asking to be buying someone elses franken-beast? Is it worth taking the chance? Or would it be smarter to do a conversion myself If/when I'm ready, sure and knowledgeable?
It's not so much 'the best of both worlds' as much as it's a larger displacement and more readily available engine. Many of the 240z's with 280z engines actually have 280zx engines. Much easier to find a 280ZX parts donor. Also, the majority of those engine swaps are done without the 280z/zx fuel injection and attending electronics.

Yeah, I've heard some horror stories of conversions that look like an industrial arts and crafts project: missing parts, dangerous wiring, etc. That's why I'm a bit trepidatious about buying a conversion that I really don't have the experience to understand. Ok, I think I've made up my mind as far as that goes. I guess I should really learn my way around a stock Z first.

As far as the PT vs. the Z, I can understand the reasoning, and you've got the numbers to prove it. It's just hard for me to imagine MY PT keeping up with a 240. Of course, I'm sure the fact that it was totalled (not by me!) and then salvaged didn't do much to improve the performance. Maybe if I'd driven it in it's prime, I'd feel a little different.

OK but 15.9? Are they including the fuel in the lines, filter and float bowls?

I filled mine with 1 gallon to get me to the gas station after the rebuild in the winter of 06'. Got to the has station and was only able to put 14.02 gallons in, to the top of the filler. Am I missing something or do I have "One of those" Z's?


OK but 15.9? Are they including the fuel in the lines, filter and float bowls?

I filled mine with 1 gallon to get me to the gas station after the rebuild in the winter of 06'. Got to the has station and was only able to put 14.02 gallons in, to the top of the filler. Am I missing something or do I have "One of those" Z's?


How big is the dent in your fuel tank? ;)


I don't know this for a fact, but I've heard that if you have a "blown" 240 engine and buy a "short" block from the common engine sellers, they no longer sell 240's nor will they accept the 240 block as a core. Again, this was told to me and I don't recall whom nor if it is valid or not.

However, that would explain why some people might have exchanged a 240 for a 280 block.

While most people who do that swap would probably opt for the fuel injection etc, some might just want the additional engine displacement, or have replaced the short block.



Replacing the 2.4 litre with a 2.8 in a 240Z is often just to gain the increased low-end torque the 2.8 offers. Switching from carbs to FI is a bonus that some think is worth the effort. Unless the 240Z has the original matching number engine it is difficult at first glance to tell the engines have been swapped unless it's a botch job.

Some even consider removing the FI for carbs in a 280Z for "improved response", but again it is a personal choice.

Because it's a straight swap between 2.4, 2.6 and 2.8 L8 engines, it should not be an issue when deciding to buy...unless you are seeking originality.


All this talk about the pt being as great of a car as the 240z is making me a little sick. I think the pt is almost as cool as a yugo, almost.

While some of the specs are close, I think we can come up with a more inspiring car to compare to the 240z! I think Nissan's 240SX is a closer comparison, albeit not a new car on the market today.

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