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you know everyone says how easy these are to tune la di da di da. well i tell you what. i want a set of weber DVG's again. i never had this much hassle out of those.

well anyway now that im done ranting.

all i did today was use a lil bit of good ole carb cleaner on my carbs to clean them out. well now its running like ****!!!!

i dont know why i didnt touch anything but the filters to shoot some spray inside.

well its running really bad lots of popping out of the exhaust at hi rpms. pops out of the intake at low rpms. WTF!!

i got it running a lil better. timing is dead on. pulled the plugs rear 3 plugs heavily fouled i mean black soot. #5 is somewhat fuel fouled 1 and 3 are good????????

well i was wondering if anyone could help. and give me a base line setting that i should start with these carbs to get them right.

the idle screw ?? at the bottome of the carbs how many turns out to start from. enrichment screws on top i figure start out at 1.5 turns??

anyone i would really appreciate it .

thanks james

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Don't stroke out on us over this issue. You've been through alot worse in the past. Besides, you already know it is the rear carb that is probably doing you wrong.

The three rear cylinders are too rich if they are fuel fouled and the front isn't, rear carb at fault. Check that the choke didn't get pulled on and jammed open by accident when mine sticks open engine runs crappy - sorta like what you described.

Then make sure the slide falls properly. Maybe your carb cleaner freed some bit of carbon that is now holding the slide up causing a rich condition. Last check that the float level needle valve is closing properly. If it isn't the bowl will flood and cause you to go rich as well. Could be wrong, but only those 3 things can cause you to be too rich.

This is most probably something very simply. Noodle it out - don't go throwing $ at it with new carbs that are in fact no better than the SU's... just different.

Good luck on it.

I have only worked on SU's a few times... I wonder if when you spray carb cleaner in and on the carbs ... you are washing the lubrication off of the piston, or slide , or whatever that thing is called. Perhaps it is now binding... Just a thought.

I would agree about the webers, but get the DCOE's they are a piece of cake to work on and once you get the hang of not really hard to tune.

well i was having hell of a time getting my car to run right yesterday. so i decided to go all out today and get it straight today

so what i did was take both carbs completely apart and just went at it

cleaning and getting all the gunk out cleaning every lil bit of the gunk on the outside of the carbs at the adjusters

turned everything back to square one. adjusted the float levels which were really out of whack

well guess what put it all together . made a very small adjustment and voila

shes running like a scalded dog agian.

woo hoo well all is well in z land again. oh and i finally get my car well start to get it fixed this coming monday


  • 2 weeks later...

When you shot carb cleaner in the carbs you most likely disturbed some crud in the piston in the carb, either 1 or both . Pull the domes off and you will see a bunch of carbon on the slides, and inside the domes, do one at a time so you dont mix them up. Use the carb cleaner and wash off all the crud , be vary careful with the needels they can be bent vary easily. I use 20w oil , dont forget to put oil in the carbs. Make sure that the pistons are not sticking , I think that is your problem . most likely you knocked out one carb. all the best to you , Gary

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