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I recently put an '83 N/A ZX 5-speed in my '73 240Z. I am having a shifter issue that I haven't seen described in the posts I've searched on here, zcar.com, zhome.com, or even hybridz.

I can't use the ZX 5-speed lever without bending it and (IMHO) making it too short to the point that the knob would barely clear the console.

When using my original 4-speed shifter, 2nd, 4th and Reverse will engage, but not as far in as 1st, 3rd, and 5th. 4th pops out of gear on occasion.

I compared the action of the ZX lever vs. the 4 speed lever and found that when using the 4-speed lever, the actuator(?) moves about 1/8th of an inch less than when using the ZX shift lever. It appears that the section of the shifter below the pivot hole ont he 4 speed is slightly longer than the ZX lever.

Oddly enough, I have found a temporary solution: with the nylon cup removed from the bottom of the 4-speed lever, it is able to engage all gears fully i.e. it will travel that extra 1/8th of an inch or so. This works, but results in somewhat odd-feeling shifts and ugly-sounding vibrations in 3rd gear at certain speeds.

I tried what a friend believed to be a 5-speed shifter from a '77-79 Z, but it looked identical to my 4-speed shifter and had the same problem.

The only combo I wasn't able to try was the ZX cup bushing on the 4 speed shifter (the ZX bushing *looks* to be ~2mm smaller in height?) because I couldn't get it off the ZX lever without mutilating it.

I have looked into the "Competition Shifter" part # 99996-E3030 shown here but it looks to be the same shifter I already have from my "Type B" 4-speed.

So it seems my only options are to live with the no-bushing-cup arrangement, bend the ZX lever, or chop the 4-speed lever's upper portion off and weld it to the base of the 5-speed lever.

Any suggestions?

Check my pic gallery on here and hybridz. You can either make a couple of relief cuts on the 4 spd shifter to allow it to clear the shift rod cut out, or you can make a short throw mod by drilling the ears on the tranny for a higher lever pivot, then cut, drill, tap and put install a stud to lengthen the shifter pivot to match the hole you drilled in the ears.

One of the comparison pics shows the mark the shift rod cut out makes on the lever.

The 4 spd lever measures 1 15/16" from bottom of lever to centerline of pivot hole.

The 5 spd levers measure 1 11/16"

The so called "truck shifter mod" has the same measurement as the 4 spd lever.

The 280zx levers with the big plastic bushing can be used for either 4 spd or 5 spd transmissions simply by reversing the bushing.

I should've mentioned that drilling the ears isn't an option for me: the tranny is in, and its not coming out again for as long as I can keep it that way :)

I looked through your gallery in my research leading up to this point, its been helpful!

When you say "You can either make a couple of relief cuts on the 4 spd shifter to allow it to clear the shift rod cut out", what do you mean by the "rod cut out"? Are you talking about making relief cuts fore and aft? How deep?

shift rod cut out---It's the rod that the end of the shift lever goes into.

I think jmortensen made some cuts on his when I pointed out the marks the shift rod cut out made. He didn't have to cut too deep, just enough the clear where the lever goes into the tranny.

BTW, the pic that shows the marks on the lever are in my hybridz album.

Yeah, it's much easier with the transmission is out to drill for the short throw mod.

I guess that's what I'll try then: see if I can find a mark left on the aft side of the shifter rod made by it hitting the shift rod cutout. Since (when the nylon cup is on) the problem is only there for 2,4,R then that's where a notch/cutout will need to go. It sounds like that's the 1st thing to try, then next being the bent ZX lever, and if I don't like how short it is, make a new shift lever by welding the top of the 4-speed to the pivot and base of the ZX lever. Or more accurately, have a friend of mine do that ;-)

Thanks for the info, Darrel :)

i have a 280b version zx tranny in my 72. i use an MSA short throw shifter. although the tranny MUST be removed to grind down the ears where the hinge pin goes through. be careful fitting the new ears (included with the MSA shifter) as they need to be bolted on and aligned (test fit the shifter on the bench and fine-hone the ear fittment) before installing the transmission.

i know you don't want to remove the trans, but that's THE WAY to do it...

the only odd part is that i had to rotate the shifter boot 180deg around(so the shoelace is forward) because the shifter throw is in a more forward position....

I tried what a friend believed to be a 5-speed shifter from a '77-79 Z, but it looked identical to my 4-speed shifter and had the same problem.
There is no '77-79' 280Z/ZX lever. There's one for up to 12/77 and another for 1/78 and up until the bushing style change. The earlier one of the two is identical to the one on your 73 4 speed. If you could find the later one, I think that would solve your problem. The difference in the bend is subtle and you'd have to see them side by side to notice.

7277, if i was after a short throw, that does sound like the way to go. But I don't mind the throw actually, it kind of goes with the character of my car, what with the big stock fake-wood steering wheel and all ;)

sblake01, so the shifter you're talking about would be for 1/78 up til when? '79 ZX? That would give me an S-bend similar to the 4 speed shifter (to clear the console) but not be as long below the pivot point? I think Darrel has a picture of that in his gallery here I think that would work if I could find one.

Do you want to sell that one Darrel? :D

The only shift levers I have are the 4 spd varities. The early zx shift levers had the same pivot bushing area but as you know they are too short for the s30.

If you can find the early zx shifter and mate the bottom portion to the top of the 4 spd, would be better. But in a pinch making the relief cuts/grinds on the 4 spd will work just as well.

It's been getting tough to find the early 5 spds in the s30 that has the correct shift lever.

I'm not sure when the 1/78-up lever ends. Whenever they went to the different bushings. My car is a 5/78 build date with a 1984 Maxima 5 speed which is the same as a 81-83 ZX 5 speed. I'm using the shifter from my stock 78 5 speed and have been since 1999 with no problem. I guess I have the 'ough to find' lever that Darrel described. I visit 10 local 'yards on occasion so if I find one, I'll grab it.

I've got some feelers out for the '78 5-speed shifter, and may have one or two located. I should know in a day or two. In the mean time, I'm going to get that ZX shift lever bent and try it out. If it doesn't end up being way too low I may use it until I can get a '78 lever. I'll let you guys know how it turns out, thanks for all your help :)

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