How much do you know about Datsun coming to America and the story of the 240Z? 275 members have voted
1. How much do you know about Datsun coming to America and the story of the 240Z?
1) I know who Mr. K is-and how he started at Nissan!
2) I know who really gave BRE its start with Datsun
3) I know who Mr. Yoshihiko Matsuo is and why carbureators are important to him!
4) I know who Bob Sharp, Peter Brock, and John Morton are!
5) I know the storys of "Son of Dat" and "dat Soon?"!
6) I know the differences between the models of S30s and S31s!
7) I know The DOT changed things for Datsun-and my car.
8) I know what brand new Datsun what is in Beaulieu, UK and why it is important!
9) I know that the 240z wasn't as first advertised!
10) I know what American car Nissan bought the rights to produce!
11)I know who Ben Milspaugh is!
12) I know how Mr. K started at Nissan!
13) I know why Masujuro Hashimoto is important!
14) I know Fred and Betty go together, not Fred and Wilma!
I know that my donation to the Datsun Heritage Museum will make this and more available to everyone!
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