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fuel and injectors problem


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hi, i have a 1976 280z with an automatic trans. i need help. i bought this car and the owner told me it used to run but it stop runing due to bad feul pump. i went ahead and changed the feul pump. i tried to start the car but car was just cranking but dont start. i went and add more gas. the same problem it crank but dont start. i used a jumper on the battery but same symptoms. i put gas in the intake manifold and the car started. i went on diagnosis the car. i thougth of feul pressure. i took one of the injector out and i tried to start the car but the injector was not pumping /spraying gas out. i went ahead and disconnect the feul line. i asked someone to turn the car on and feul pressure build up. when i tried to release it, gas was spraying everywhere. there is power going to all injectors. pls help me fix this car and have it running. i have change the feul pump. feul filter, starter and a new battery. help pls. thanks

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You've asked this question in three different forums. Once would have been enough but anyway, the way it's asked is likely the reason why my response is the first and only response so far. You haven't really given enough info. Some of what you say is contradictory. How long did the car sit without running? Did you test the fuel pressure with a gauge? Just because fuel sprays doesn't mean the the pressure is adequate. You say "there is power going to all injectors". How did you determine that? Do you have a tester? Cah you hear them click? The more (and better) information you give, the easier it will be to help.

EDIT: I notice that you have the habit of posting the same question multiple times in several different areas. That is likely the reason that no one answers.

Edited by sblake01
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i am sorry about the tripple posting. i thought it was not posting that y i kept on trying. i dont know how long the car was sitting before i bought it. but i guess for a long time. i did not check the feul pressure with a guage. i check it by hold on the feul line with my finger. for the power, i used a tester to check of power.

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Check the fuse for the fuel injection. Check the fuel injection relays. Check the fuel presure regulator. . Their is a Fuel Injection Bible on this site or another that I have seen. Their is also a small screen inside the fuel pump on the line going to the front of the car and it could be partially clogged. The gas tank could also have rust in it if the car has set for some time. If you see rust in the fuel filter or the small screen it would be a good idea to have the gas tank flushed and sealed. Just some ideas.

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