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With any luck I will have several sets at Amelia!

I am just waiting on mold supplies-and they are due in on or about Wednesday of next week.

I will have everything ready to pour the molds tuesday night, and within 8 hours of the supplies hitting the doorway, I should have a pair of molds for each of the two types of knobs(rounded and squared) so that I can make two pair at a time.


  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, here is the lastest on the repro throttle knobs. They are available now for $35 shipped within the US. Additional shipping for any shipped outside the US.


Here is Bryan's email address: winkaslink@yahoo.com, or you can register on the site and contact him that way. Low VIN owners take a look around his site as there are a couple of other things you may be interested in, including one surprise item I just found out about.


Edited by Mike B

ok guys, anyone interested in new hand throttle knobs, new early style plastic gas lid knobs, and new red dot mirror knobs I will bring a few to Amelia Island. Bryan stopped by my place tonight and dropped some off.

Jim Frederick

Z Mecca, FL

So , at some point , are you letting the judges know that all of these parts are not original ? Just an ethical bone I'll throw out there ;) . I mean , it's no big deal to me but when has repro gone too far ? Should there be some kind

of identifying mark or such ? I really value my original red dot mirror and hand throttle set , with original Dec. 1969 seatbelt tags . Or am I naive , and this has been going on for a long time , only now rearing it's capitalistic head ? :bulb: Just food for thought .....

Good point, Unkle, which is another reason why I think the ZCCA rules need to be revised. For instance, the mirror 96321-E4600 differs from the later E4601 and simply placing a red dot knob on an E4601 mirror does not make it an E4600, does it? The fuel door knobs being reproduced have a similar difference with regard to the base plate as I understand. I still need to compare, but the early plastic thumb latch aligns in a different position to the base plate of the later style latch mechanism. Perhaps in this case, one cannot outwardly tell the difference however the mirror thing has me baffled.

Unkle, I too can appreciate your point. I also have original equipment on my cars but a few of my low vin cars either has the piece missing or the original piece is too far gone to restore. I would not break down like other restorers and replace with another part from a different year even though the judges allows this. For example a 1972 dash is allowed on a series 1 car because you can't buy a new series 1 dash or the hood bumpers from a 1971 to 1978 car is ok because you can't get the early style or a non red dot mirror is ok because again you cannot buy it new. For my cars this was totally unacceptable. The pieces I had contracted out for reproduction were all new pieces I had in stock. Each piece made is of the highest quality and an exact OEM match. No one can tell the difference, they are that good. As far as Chris's comment about the gas lid knob I don't understand what he is saying. The knobs are an exact 100% OEM match cast from a brand new OEM knob. (Bryan spent close to a year perfecting this part.)The base plates are separate from the knob as it is a 2 piece part. The knobs I had reproduced will fit any pot metal knob.

Hi ,

I love this kind of topic.Chris, I have no problem with the repro fuel door knob

on my car,please refer my web site,my Z432 is equipped this knob as a demonstration.

About OEM parts, I think we agree if you put totally correct and new and clean and provided from NISSAN as OEM parts, that is the best.

But I can not put all the parts like this, so I love to put repro parts if it is so good.

Some parts are very difficult to distinguish, ZCCA does not ask to show a receipt of each parts buying.On the other hand ,if you put OEM parts on your car but lost receipts,you can not prove your statement unless the judges say "yes this is an original".

At this point, you can put whatever you think it is perfect looking from any angle of view.

Let's let the judges judge. The judges must have eyes to distinguish what is the original without asking and touching. If the judges judge this is correct, that is correct even if it is repro.

In this case, repro maker beats judges!!

Or we can say repro parts become real OEM parts can not we?

These what I am saying is only applicable for talking about "car show",

repro is repro, never been OEM. If you are 100% purist, you can not accept repro parts.

The judges must train themselves harder and harder, and we respect the judges more and more.


Hi ,

I love this kind of topic.Chris, I have no problem with the repro fuel door knob

on my car,please refer my web site,my Z432 is equipped this knob as a demonstration.

About OEM parts, I think we agree if you put totally correct and new and clean and provided from NISSAN as OEM parts, that is the best.

But I can not put all the parts like this, so I love to put repro parts if it is so good.

Some parts are very difficult to distinguish, ZCCA does not ask to show a receipt of each parts buying.On the other hand ,if you put OEM parts on your car but lost receipts,you can not prove your statement unless the judges say "yes this is an original".

At this point, you can put whatever you think it is perfect looking from any angle of view.

Let's let the judges judge. The judges must have eyes to distinguish what is the original without asking and touching. If the judges judge this is correct, that is correct even if it is repro.

In this case, repro maker beats judges!!

Or we can say repro parts become real OEM parts can not we?

These what I am saying is only applicable for talking about "car show",

repro is repro, never been OEM. If you are 100% purist, you can not accept repro parts.

The judges must train themselves harder and harder, and we respect the judges more and more.


I totaly agree with you Jim and Kats. otherwise these judges have to remove the paint and find out if this fender is for 70, 74 , or aftermarket. If you go to Concourse d'elegance or Pebble Beach show where you see million dollor cars,

Most of these high end classics have "one off" fabricated body panels and stuff. Do judges care? Nop! Does it effect the value? Nop! If it is done professinally, that's what it counts in my opnion.


Professional Vehicle Inspector (inspected over 50000 cars in last 5 years)

National Auto Auction Certified Frame/Structure examiner

ASE certified tech.

Body panels I wouldn't have a problem with, but truly unique items specific to a partial year the car was built to me should remain truly N.O.S factory . I have seen a car ( Corvette ) that was amost completely made of aftermarket parts . Sure, nice car , but it never left any factory ! Something just ''feels'' wrong if you can just go out and buy repro Datsun extremely rare , half year parts, install them on a car , and try to get away with it at a judged car show . Sure, the judge may not know, but you would ! That ''best of show''trophy to me would not mean anything , because those rare early factory pieces that are needed to win could be fake . These pieces are not prone to rust like panels , they are prone to being ripped off at grocery parking lots , or local shows maybe. My point is if at least it's pointed out , THEN a judge can make a big deal out of it or not . Are my glasses rose coloured ? Maybe..................:cool:

I'm not much into the "judging" scene, but IMO if the rules say they can't deduct points for an obviously later but factory replacement part, you shouldn't get a deduction for a truly accurate repro of a rare and/or NLA (from Nissan) part.

Take the wood shift knobs as a not-so-rare example. Buy a new one from Nissan today and it is obviously not the same part as was used when the cars were new. Probably even made by a different company than who made the originals. But if I understand the rules correctly, you won't get a deduction for having one, as they are the "correct" "factory" replacement, no matter how obviously wrong they look. But if there was a truly accurate repro, one that was the same size as original, had the same font on the plastic shift pattern disk and suchlike so that it truly looked like an original, why should that be a deduction? Because it was made by an enthusiast who thought that original looks was more important than whether Nissan has blessed it?

My 2$. Since I don't ever intend on putting my car under that kind of scrutiny, it is all moot to me. But for me personally, I prefer cars that look correct, even if some of the parts are repro.

Unkle, I don't see what the problem is with using reproduction parts, if they are correct for your car and look as good as originals, they should be judged based on how they look, not who made them. If I didn't have an early car, I wouldn't put early parts on it. The goal, to me, is to make the car as close to original as possible, even if that means using reproduction parts. If you have an early car and the plastic gas knob breaks, or was broken long ago by a prior owner, shouldn't you be able to put an original style knob on it to maintain the original look? Same with the red dot knob on the mirror, hood bumpers, etc. Where do you draw the line on using non-Nissan parts? Can a car be repainted with non-Nissan paint? Can you rechrome your bumpers with non-Nissan chrome? If you put aftermarket seals on your car that are in the original style, would you feel the need to point that out to a judge at a show? I really don't care much about shows and judges any way. I just want to build the most original car that I can.


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