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Z Starts but stalls immediately


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ok so I read through a few threads, the manual, and the efi-bible and I think I have an idea of what is going on but im not for sure. The problem is just as stated in the title the car will start but the idle is weak and it dies almost instantly, if I give it some gas I can keep it alive but it's really rough and I get some whiteish smoke out of the tail. I have a l28e from a 83zx' and I think there maybe be some gaps forming in the rubber elbow due to it being old and the weather I had an idle issue before from this but was able to seal the cracks with sealent. also I have a cone filter and I know it needs to be replaced cause it's kinda dirty but would that cause the car to stall out instantly?

I changed the oil, plugs, cleaned the dist rotor, cleaned alot of the connectors, replaced the fuel filter, and made sure my fusible links were ok but it's too dark/cold to look at the rubber elbow. Any other thoughts on what could be causing the problem? The car ran fine 3 days ago and I had it towed home from the gas station that night when it first started acting crazy.

Edited by Cornbreadxd
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ok I'ts running now, i think i was right about the cracks in the boot and i sealed it w/ sealent and electrical tape temporarily while i wait for new boots from courtesynissan. I also cleaned the TB and the AFM (QD Electrical Cleaner) because they were filled with carbon buildup so if anyone else has this problem those should be cleaned while everything is disconnected.

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