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If you are like me and enjoy the use of this great web site , and look forward to checking in daily , then I ask you what are you contributing to the club ? I personally have obtained valuable information here and have tried to pass on what knowledge I have. Recently it came to my attention that the moderator of this site is spending over $125.00 per month out of his own pocket to keep the web site going ! I want to state here that Mike has no knowledge of this post and it is just my own thoughts here. I think that at least for me ,that I do not expect any free ride , here or in life, and I perpose that we donate some $$ to help with this endever. I f we each donated $1.00 per mo or $12.00 per year , that much wont break any one and will keep things going. I know that I derive a great deal of enjoyment shareing this venue with all of you and have gained a lot of knowledge of the fine cars that we all enjoy. NUF SAID . gary

Your are right about the greatness of this invaluable site!

I will think about your idea. Maybe is there another way around... with all the connexion and attention this site has, maybe we could accept to lose a little of this nice space to lend it to a respectable Z related company? Don't get me wrong, I do not want this wonder bannered in all sorts of colourful coupon offer, it's just that at 150$ a month, a Z company would nicely get it's money back, and gain a nice publicity for SUPPORTING this web site?

As a gentleman, I am welling to by the stuff I need to this "Company of the month" (if they play a clean game!). Witch make me thinking, we are more than a few now here, could we work some kind of order sheet, maybe in grouping our command we could get some parts refurnish or even redesign… I am thinking of Carbon fibber hoods, wings, tailgates… New crystal tail lens… for one order they wouldn’t move, I wouldn’t either but for 50 or 100…

We could do the whole thing the other way around and maybe ask for what we want before it’s even done????? Together we are power!!!!!

Just my 2 eurocents here!

across with just a few dollars it would make a big difference. It just seams to me that we are taking and not giving . I dont believe in a free ride . I am not going to mention this again and am going to do my own thing. I cincerly hope others will also. They will take pay-pal ! If we can buy stuff on e-bay 10 dollars a year cant push any one over the edge. Nuf said !! The best to all Gary

Someone (Mike??) set up the solution to the "how to help defray expenses" problem several months ago. Go to the Home Page and look for the "Donations" box about half-way down the right side. Click on the grey (or gray) DONATE button and you will be taken to a page where you can make your donation using PayPal.

Like JC said, there is a "donate" button here. As an alternative i got Mike's mailing address & sent him some cash awhile back as well. So i paypal'd enough for the microfiche CD, then sent some greenbacks that the wife wouldn't be aware of/have reason to go crazy over.

I'm sure Mike would give you an address, or email me & i can send it to anyone willing to donate (with Mike's approval of course!!)

And to Mike- Thanks for getting the mailing list back!!! I was missing all my craZy friends...


Hi guys,

Just came across this post. I've been busy with so many other things on the site that I haven't really browsed the forums! Just glad to see email working again!!!!

Anyway, there is a donate button as well as a "Zcar Subscriptions" menu item. You can also click here.

The subscriptions are set up to donate on a monthly basis.

Not sure how you guys found out about my expense, but, I've been keeping it a secret because I just love to do it. The site does cost around $130 a month in subscription fees since I moved it away from my house. The sales of our Microfiche CD have been keeping us in the black. But, I noticed lately that sales have been slowing down.

If we had 13 people at $10/month..... ;)

I also plan to continue with the board of directors idea. Now that the site is back to normal working condition I think we are ready.

We could really use a business sponsor. This site has enough traffic to impress just about any business person. Again, I just don't have the time to do it all myself.

Thanks for the thoughts on this. If you wish to help out in any way, check out the options available.

I have already e-mailed the link to the advertising on the site to two Z parts suppliers.

Maybe if more of us did the same they would take a more serious look into advertising on the site. Let them know we like their products and would like them to become part of our clubs web-site.:classic:

BTW Mike, hurry up and get three more posts, it's lonely here being the only one with over 1K posts!LOL :cross-eye

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