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Obviously this thread is about what it is titled!

I will be copying some parts of other threads here for illustrative purposes.

I would really like the finger pointing to stop-it takes both an instigator and a reaction to have a problem-otherwise you simply have an invitation.

We have several members who, in my opinion, demonstrate that:

1) He, she, or it are anxious(even come here specifically) to get in a fray.

2) He, she or it can't ignore an invitation to have a fray

3) He, she or it want this club to be a debate/berate forum, and not a group of people all out to gain understanding of some part of the complete story of their Z(s)!

Along those lines:

Please also remember-if you don't like some of what has gone on, this is your chance to help fix it. Criticizing without offering some help is like rust on a Z-somthing that will be cut out and replaced.

The rules on this thread are very simple-dissagree politely all you want, if you find something to be rude, explain why, and what should be done about it.


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This board is very polite...you want rude got to Hybridz.com, those guys are ruthless. I know that I come to boards for information on Z cars if somone tries to get rude with me I simply just move on, I got so many more important issues in life I don't need cyber problems too. On this board people in general are very nice and informativie. The thing seems to drive some crazy is using threads from 3 and 4 years ago as a starting point.

I would agree in general, this board is the best Z forum on the net! There are times and have been people/threads/posts that have been in poor taste or inappropriate...that just happens I understand that. When it does things need to be brought back in line promptly though so as to keep this the same great place it's been.

I'm neutral on the comment about hybrid because they can get bad over there so I would not disagree with that comment. In my experience zcar.com is the worst, they seem like a bunch of inmature children...or at least a few years ago when I spent more time on that site. I only bring this up to further support my original statement about this being the best Z group around.

As for specific actions on this board...well, we are all adults here and should act like it. There are absolutely going to be times when opinions differ and we just need to accept that, agree to disagree, and move on. Some debate is not a bad thing though when it is done in a mature way and has some merit. Examples of these two last statements are clear when the topic of "what is the best motor oil" or "what is the best muffler/exhaust system" come up...those are rather subjective in nature to a point and have no real right or wrong answer so there will be different opinions and debate...now if the debate over oil for example is supported by some studies or data showing why one product may be better/worse than another go for it, I want to learn more. If it's just pure opinion then state it and leave it be...and don't attack anyone else for doing this, just realize it's only an opinion.

I could probably go on though I think you can see what I'm getting at here so I'll leave it at that. :)

I have to admit, I have spit a little Acid here and there, but at the same time, I try and keep it Nuetral when others can't help but be rude, ask completely stupid questions. Having Teen-age boys keeps my defenses up and I may come across as a smart-arse without even realizing it. So with that, I apologize if I have offended anyone.

As for those who can't help themselves and come back with dumb comments or questions, that have nothing to do with the needed answer, inquiry or what have you, find somewhere else to spue your nonsense. I know we'd apreciate it.


For the most part I find the conversations and debates here to be mostly civil, more mature, and certainly a lot more friendly than some of the other boards I visit ocassionally. On those sites I'm simply a consumer of information and rarely post or get involved. I'm not just talking about other Z sites. There's always going to be people who push the limits or just plain go beyond them. Adding to David's comment, life is simply too short to sweat the small stuff. We all (I hope) have bigger concerns than posts by argumentative or rude and bitter individuals. Thankfully, those are few and far between here. Have a laugh at their expense and simply move on.

IMO, this site has to be one of the most civil sites I've been to......actual mature conversations most always and helpful suggestions about our pride and joy toys!!! On some of the sites I frequent, they have a section just for political, religious, and any sort of BS one wants to discuss or bitch about....unabated! This helps keeps all the crap out of the subject specific sections. Personally, I think we do a pretty darn good job of managing ourselves!:cool:


While I will agree that this is one of the least problematic boards I frequent-and certainly the one I post the most on-the beating that our members gave the owner of #13 really is not something that should make any of us proud. He has been a long time Z enthusiast-since well before the proliferation of computer based car clubs. He appears to be somewhat inexperienced in computerease, but quite well versed in Z. I just can't believe we as a community of S30 enthusiasts have been so callous and down right rude to someone we hardly know! You may have issues with the condition or originality of his car, or in the glowing descriptions of its rareness/desirability, but would you treat a new next door neighbor that you just discovered had a seriously low vin the same way? I wouldn't.

I absolutely agree that we need to have correct information in our archives and dispel the half-truths, misinformation and outright lies, but I believe there is a way to show someone a fact without berating them for being wrong accidentally and unbeknown to them. When we identify a consistent source of problems and misinformation with an obvious motive to his/her spin, we cull that person from the herd-after there is no question in a consensus of the Moderators/Admins. Buying into a rabblerousers taunts just fuels his or her fire, and wastes time and energy that could be spent on Z.

Is it better to chase off potential Z friends for being wrong, or to bring them in to being right?

My wife knows how to wash a car-but she has no idea how to wash my Z. Would I get further rolling my eyes and telling telling her she was an idiot and had no freakin' clue(certain slow, painful, and bitter-cold death!), or showing her how to do the job in a friendly and enjoyable way(might well get lucky-and her help washing the Z for Nashville!)?


This site is very civil, and that is the only reason that the comments referred to seem snarky at all, much like spoonful of sugar may not seem as sweet when compared to a spoonful of honey. As other posters have stated - you won't have to look hard to find some of the scathing personal attacks typical on sites like zcar.com

When a poster states something that another member knows to be a blatant falsehood, I am glad that someone often comes out and corrects them. If a member is posting BS, "not hurting feelings" is no good excuse for someone to remain silent or present a weak counter-point. While there are good and bad ways to go about this, the truth must make absolutely no concessions to something that is anything but.

We also must keep in mind the possibility that the posting of misinformation is not always an "honest mistake." One such posting I read earlier by someone (whom I am certain was the primary inspiration for this thread) in the #13 thread brought up the possibility that all the controversy was being perpetuated to create hype for some hypothetical auction of said car, which (and not even being all that cynical by nature), I am forced to concede is a distinct possibility.

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