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Awesome, third time I've typed this up. Alright, so I have a 72' 240z and an EZ wiring harness (I forgot which one, but it's plenty).

I have all of the diagrams I could find, and I'm using a color diagram from slash5.com. I'm no electronics noob, and have been messing with automotive wiring for quite a while. Even after consulting all my sources- I'm still slightly stumped due to the repetition of some of the wire colors. I'd like to integrate the EZ harness with the stock OEM plugs that go to the dash to keep it removable. I'm using this image ( http://album.hybridz.org/data/1/240Z_Instrument_Harness.jpg )- are there any similar diagrams that illustrate what each plug and wire is for, instead of just the colors? That'd make it much easier to snip off the old plugs and solder them to the new harness.

Also- when replacing the harness what to do with the obsolete resistors, relays, etc? Should they stay? Replace them? Are you all using the stock voltage regulator? Did you add relays when re-wiring?

Anything else I should know?

I'm also eager to see photos of how everyone did theirs.

Check out:


Dave posted the images for some scans from a Clymer's manual I did years ago.

They're the ones that complement the one you post.


Yeah, awesome- I just found and printed those. That should hold me over for a little bit heh.

I'm still deciding how to use the stock dash with the harness kit.

But I think I may hardwire the ignition/switches.

Here's what I've got. I believe I have the pigtail for the ignition- just dont have the diagram/schematic for it.


Edit: Im working on the front section first and have just a few loose ends to tie up:

The harness is labeled with these wires-








The instructions would be great provided I had a Ford, Chevy, or Mopar- but I don't. Any help?

Also- how is the coil wired up? Where does it go? All i have are cut wires...

Edited by Kris.is.awesome


Your best bet, and I hate to sound like a party pooper, is to just buy a new dash harness or engine harness. If not new than at least in good condition. They are out there and it looks like you could really benefit from it.

I highly suggest using the SEARCH button. It's helped me MANY times. Also check our classifieds for those harnes's.

How bad was your harnesses that you decided on a different style harness?

Good luck.



Your best bet, and I hate to sound like a party pooper, is to just buy a new dash harness or engine harness. If not new than at least in good condition. They are out there and it looks like you could really benefit from it.

I highly suggest using the SEARCH button. It's helped me MANY times. Also check our classifieds for those harnes's.

How bad was your harnesses that you decided on a different style harness?

Good luck.


I have that PDF, in more than one form hah.

Once I get the ignition, starter, and alternator figured out, I'm golden. I wired up just about everything today.

I'm where I am because the previous owner ripped it all out to install the EZ-harness. What I really need is a 'pinout' of the ignition if it exists.

It's all there.

B/Y is the starter wire

B/W is the Ign. wire that powers the VR and guages etc.

W/R is the main power iwre in.

L/R is the Acc wire

G/W powers the tach and resistor.

that's all I can tell From reading the diagram. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.

In the start position, The W/R powers the G/W and B/Y

In the Ign position, The W.R powers the B/W and L/R

It's all there.

B/Y is the starter wire

B/W is the Ign. wire that powers the VR and guages etc.

W/R is the main power iwre in.

L/R is the Acc wire

G/W powers the tach and resistor.

that's all I can tell From reading the diagram. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.

In the start position, The W/R powers the G/W and B/Y

In the Ign position, The W.R powers the B/W and L/R

Again, something I figured out just before you posted :D

Got the ignition all sorted out today, thanks! Hopefully tomorrow I'll wire up the coil and the starter and crank this thing! Now- the resistor thats mounted right under the coil that bridges the two ignition wires- can't that just be placed under the dash- tapped into those two wires?

NO. That is your Ballast resistor and needs a short path to the coil or distributor. If it could be placed under the dash, the Japanese would have done it 40 years ago.

I ask because of the diagram


The resistor doesn't even connect to the coil directly.

It's only connected through the tach?

Any other "absolutely nots" haha

It is intended to halve the voltage to the distributor points, as a result it generates HEAT (that's why it's an open coil resistor wire in a ceramic holder).

You don't want that underneath your dash.



Then will tapping into the ignition wires and running it that way work?

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