March 12, 201015 yr Author comment_312194 OK these two Imagese show were we will be meeting. One is park map and the other is an aerial. The meet location is marked with a black box on the map and a white box for the aerial image. heres another role call Will be bringing: 1stgencivic: username BBQ's potatoes accordingly* squidget 102octane something G1teg: maxoutracer* roushman90 drinks and cups blackgen1* specialTEG* Stifflegs hot links rsxer63* Pollo Loco Chicken Justmechillin05 gen1Teggy* Rpr enduser* Japanese Nostalgic Car: BayArea510 Norcal510 Nismopunch 1stgencelica: exodus* vercjum2 pizza's and sodas Miles.BIDD* WIQDTOY bucket of KFC or something and some drinks jhun_hapi superrandomguy digger grillables Club4ag: mikeyee* garageSTAR 16v Justice* StockCorolla* Classic Z Cars: dero chips sodas spitz17 Norcaltuners: DryBear* RX7club: smog-guy707 burgers n buns danamezjohn thunkrd - hot links and buns Brody8877 SDrotary-FC RichiFC chips Apex944 ROB&FC CaliSwag707 Mutaku sinone dr phyco * Damzil* 3rd and final 7 Howru InsomniacFC* bmeyer* airquin23 Marck soda or maybe chips SmogSUX* ToyotaNation: I<3Toyota veggies, water & a assortment of chips. not12listen Ratsun: KA-Kait chips WagDatto* the510keeper thatsoon510* Hyphy* 69FJWagon cases of water or soda shiggy datlove cups and soda ssfwgn Hello710 BoostinBen potatoe, mac salad 70Goon* N0RCALDIME dimedude datlove THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX 710 racerx zhiguli510 some russian food or something GUS-GUS some sweets, brownies hulk210 classic celica: eb73kyang* AWDriver* 510realm: norcal roadsters: zbossrt Papa Smurf dannc Ken P gripndrift Eunos R* bricel24* nasioc: SJwrx* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 22, 201015 yr Author comment_313271 I would like to thank everyone that came out to the meet if I dint thank you personally and if I did thank you personally I would like to thank you again. I'm glad we have good support in out car community cause it turned out a lot better than I expected it to. :mrgreen: By the way things turned out i will most likely plan another one not sure when but I will. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 22, 201015 yr comment_313278 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 22, 201015 yr comment_313279 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 22, 201015 yr comment_313280 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 23, 201015 yr comment_313391 Nice pictures! That red 510 is a local car, super clean. The red Corolla (Peanut) with the shiny ITB's has a 20 Valve 4AG and was built by my friend's shop in Oakland. It has full AE86 suspension, custom street roll bar, Recaro seats, it's pretty cool You can see my Adidas in the engine shot of the 510 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 27, 201015 yr Author comment_313806 Well Ive been looking at the responses to the meet and it seems like everyone wants another one. So I will be hosting another one not sure when but I definitely will :mrgreen: So keep your eyes open for the next one. Should also be a lot more organized than the last one too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 30, 201014 yr comment_314263 It's all good, I thought it was great. Informal and laid back is not necessarily a bad thing Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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