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Speedometer Freaked Out


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Now I would have searched to see if anyone else had this issue but I would feel bad for them.

I was driving to cars and coffee this morning when about half way there my speedometer started to freak out jumping from 80 to 160. So I tried slowing down to see if that did anything but nothing, after a bit it went back to my current speed, and stayed. After another few minutes it shot back up and promptly went full circle to 0 mph then back to 160. The last thing it did was and i'm not sure because I couldn't really believe it. It seemed to spin completely around until the needle fell off.

Does this sound like it was the speedo or made the cable got messed up and caused this. Or something else.

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Sounds like the speedo cable to me. If so, eventually it will completely break, and the speedo will sit at 0. Might want to take the cable off, lube it up, and make sure it is tightened back on. Just tossing in my two cents. Good luck!

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Damn! These Zs are fast little cars, ain't they???

What with the needle falling off and what was rightly described by leftover z as a cable issue, I'd have a speedo shop overhaul the gauge and determine if the cable is salvageable.

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yeah i was going to take the cable in and have it rebuilt if it's still at that point as for the gauge i'm pretty sure it's going to have to be replaced it would be nice if I could fix it though.

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When the cable fails , it shreds and most likely this is what happened . The cable is made up with a bunch of tiny wires . If one brakes it sticks our and will snag the sheath that it is in . It trys to stop but it is still being driven so when it it brakes free it springs and send the cable spinning . This causes what you saw on the spedo. A shop can make a new cable , take the old one with you for length and so they can duplicate the ends.


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Pretty certain it would be the cable breaking. There is no direct connection between the cable and needle, the needle is magnetically moved. Be sure to inspect the cable housing for any dents, pinches, crimps, if the houseing is damaged then your new cable may not last very long.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

ok, im having the same problem, but mine stopped working all together, so i got on black dragon and ordered a new cable, its still not working. i have two different speedo's sitting here but neither match the one from my 260( they dont have the plug for the dash lights). the tranny is out of a 82 maxima, but when i did the swap i transfered my 260's gear, any idea's?

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