Posted April 19, 200024 yr comment_739 -- Group Message from Carl Beck <> -->Dan Baldwin wrote:>Knew Kyle would beat me to a reply!>>Valve clearances should be .010I, .012E>Huh?! Actually, when I set mine the other day, I was doing it to>what I was accustomed to, .008I, .010E. Then I thought I'd check>the Haynes manual halfway through, and IT specifies .010/.012!>Damn, I thought. Then I checked Schneider's web site (Schneider>cam in my car) and fortunately it listed lash specs, .008/.010.>But I swear I remember .008/.010 as being correct for stock, too,>cuz when I had the Bmer (85 535i), I knew its specs were for more>lash than the Z, and it called for .010/.012.>I think the Haynes manual might be wrong. Anybody know for sure?>Hate to think of all those Zs out there not getting all the lift>and duration they deserve!Hi Guys:Just so we don't get carried away with worry over a thousandth of an inchone way or the other...;-). The Factory Manuals specify the valve lash fora car when new...They specify: Intake Exhaust HOT Setting 0.25mm (0.0098 in) 0.30mm (0.0118 in)With a reground cam - the lash spec.'s could very will change. Likewise,with an engine with 100K+ miles on it, the original Factory Spec.'s may notbe the best for your car.Most of the time the valves will tighten themselves down over time... alsowith worn parts the original factory spec.'s may result in a lot of extravalve noise. Even though you are keeping the valve lash the same - otherparts of the valve train wear and increase their tollerances (valve trainslop)... sometimes your better off running a thousandth or two tightervalve lash on a high milage engine...It's a matter of some trial and error - but you want to be close to theoriginal spec.'s - and you want the least valve train noise... The rationalbeing that excessive valve lash results in excessive valve train noise andparts that are hammering themselves to death... to little clearence and youget excessive wear.. On a high milage engine if the factory spec.'s resultin a lot of valve "tappit tick" - I'd give them a try at 0.008 and 0.010and see what they sound like...If you have never adjusted the valves yourself - I agree with who ever saidget Scott's Video. I'll add this:1. Get yourself some good high quality, thin profile wrenches.. that fitthe nuts exactally - the longer the handles the better for the beginner.Longer wrenchs allow you to keep your hands farther away from the head tobegin with - and they allow you to put a little more torque on the nuts(better leverage for weaker hands like mine).2. Get yourself a small brass hammer - to tap the wrenches and break thelock nuts lose as well as to tap them tight again. (a brass hammer won'tbounce back when it strikes the wrench).3. The first few times - wear leather work gloves. The edge of that headis like a razor - a couple of slips while twisting the wrench and you willlose a lot of blood. (Item #2 above helps greatly to prevent slipping whenyour putting a lot of pressure on the wrench - a little pressure and alight tap with a heavy brass hammer is much safer ;-)..OK -1. Adjust the valves on the engine cold - FIRST. This will let you loosenthe nuts etc and get used to adjusting the lash and tightening things backdown - without burning your hands.2. Warn the engine up - and then recheck the valve lash - adjust if necessary.Don't be afraid to try it - and do it several times - even if you don'thave to - it's just one of thoes things you have to put some time into...Good tools and the right tools make the whole thing much easier to master...Good luck,CarlCarl BeckClearwater,FL--------------------------------------------------------------©The Internet 240z-Club - Our Web Site: Our Bulletin Board: Send your Email messages to: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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