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sorry but stupid me took out my starter awhile ago to get tested, now i finally got it tested and the test was good, but now i forgot where all the wires connect to,

if someone can please send or post a pic showing where all the wire go, this would really help me in reinstalling the starter,

last thing i want to do is screw anything up because i connected the wires in the wrong spot.

basically i forgot where the positive and negative wires from the battery connect to

thank you

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ok gary and eveyone else that has helped me along my restore project (thank you)

but now that i re-installed the starter, i get nothing...

when i got it tested it was perfect, they did several tests and it was all perfect

but before i received your pic i did try to re-install the starter and based on your photo i did it wrong. i had the positive connected to the starter mounting bolt to on the top and the negative connected the bottom mounting bolt, could my mistake caused damage? i did re-install it as you had it in your photo and i have power, but nothing happens when i go to start it. i just hear a click sound coming from the passenger side under the glove box...do you think by me installing the starter wrong the first time i could have blown the starter relay? if there is one, if so, if you(or anyone else) doesn't mind send or posting me a photo of what and where its located, sorry but when i try to look it up in my manual all it shows (which is a majority of everything) is all 75 and up and i have a 73.....or if you could recommend something else for me to check,

thank you!!!

You could have damaged the battery. You didn't get sparks when you put the positive cable on the block? Check your static voltage and the voltage when the engine is cranked. You should have above 12.5 volts static and above 10.0 volts when cranking (second time I gave this advice today).

If the voltage is good, it could now be a wiring issue.

Ok this is strange, but i re-installed the starter the same as the pic, had the battery tested, and it was perfect, but now when i go to reconnect the battery the, say the positive is connected, as soon as i touch the negative, the car tries to start on its own, i've never seen this before, the key isnt even in, my wiring looks exactly like the pic, even tried just having the battery wires connected n it still does the same, please help!!!

There is a wire that comes out of the starter and gets attached to the solenoid. This should be attached to the M terminal (Magnetic). It sounds like you have the wire attached to the B terminal (Battery). If you have it backwards, you have effectively jumped the terminals.

Thanks gary, did that, now the car doesnt want to start on its own when i connect the battery, but now when i try to start it, i get nothing, i here a click from under the dash on the passenger side, is there relay i could have damaged? Do u have a pic or can tell me where it is located, thanks again for your help

Well, by jumping the terminals and getting the starter to turn you've confirmed that the starter is good and the battery has the power to crank the engine. Unfortunately by hooking up the starter with reverse polarity you more then likely have damaged the electrical system. The problem could be the ignition switch, relay and just about anything in between.

You're gonna have to get out a multi-meter and start trouble shooting.

that click is most likely the relay (relays normally make a click sound), it might not be bad, this sounds like you have wiring issues between the relay and the starter. You need to study the factory service manual electrical diagrams, get a multimeter and inspect you're winging closely (methodically), then tell all of us what you find. Electrical issues are next to impossible at times to diagnose over a chat forum, I know, I have asked for advice and 15 options were suggested and it ended up being a ground wire I forgot to reinstall under the dash ( I was lucky). You're issue seems simple, though you need to start testing. for what it's worth.


Edited by grantf

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