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I got my digital SLR a few months ago so I still consider myself a proper noob but I really enjoy snapping pictures. It's a Nikon D3000 with the kit lens and a 50-200 zoom lens. I have a couple others on loan from my uncle but I don't use them as much

My friends and I were at the Redline Time Attack event @ Infineon last weekend and I was intent on trying panning the camera with the car. It's not anything I've tried before. I took over a hundred the first day and had about 1 in 5 turn out decent. The second day I took over 150 and wound up with the 65 in the album. Lots of blury pics but that's what an 8 gig memory card is good for LOL.

It was raining like crazy so not much regular spectators came out but it was still lots of fun. I was helping my friends they were a vendor there.

My flickr sets: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ayates128/sets/

From Saturday: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ayates128/sets/72157625228076906/


DSC_1627 by AYates Photos, on Flickr

Our friend's turbo Miata


DSC_1673 by AYates Photos, on Flickr

From Sunday: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ayates128/sets/72157625244266342/


DSC_1741 by AYates Photos, on Flickr


DSC_1722 by AYates Photos, on Flickr

Yup...I still don't know what I like to shoot best, but I think my forte's are nature, and vehicles of all sorts. I've been shooting SLR digital for about 10 years. I never shot SLR film.

Here is where I keep some of them:





Dave, that's great! I like the shutter speeds on your action shots, I was having trouble with anything much slower than 1/160. I'm with you on not really having a favorite yet... it's really whatever peaks my interest.

Your colors are really vivid on your nature photos. Do you do any post work on your computer for the colors? Is that a macro lens? The aperture looks wide open. I like it! What kind of camera are you using?

Eventually I'd like a better body like a D90 for the better image processor and shutter options.

I haven't had as much luck with bugs, I love trying :)

Here's a couple from the loaner lens. 500mm F8 mirror lens (catadioptric?). The rings are an effect of the lens


DSC_0729 by AYates Photos, on Flickr


DSC_0605 by AYates Photos, on Flickr

I definitely need to get more night shots, I love the lighting and effects you can get.

only took 50 to get 1 good shot of the moon LOL


DSC_0580 by AYates Photos, on Flickr


DSC_0377 by AYates Photos, on Flickr


DSC_0386-2500 by AYates Photos, on Flickr


Great photos guys! That 500mm is a cool lens. I don't have anything nearly that long. It must be like shooting with a telescope.:)

I love photography and cars as well but strangely enough I don't ever seem to photograph cars.:paranoid:

Mostly I take wedding photos but keep the car photos coming!





Edited by steve91tt

Yes, some serious talent showing here! Search the archives on this subject and you will find some great conversations about photographing cars. There are many articles on the net about shooting cars; both at-speed and close-ups. I like a star filter when I shoot cars in bright sunlight.

This site has great articles - http://www.photographytalk.com/photography-articles/the-basics-of-exposure-1-overview.php - this one in a series about exposure. That's what happened to your colors at Infineon. Here are a couple of the pan shots cropped.



I stink at photographing people for some reason. I just can't get it right. I started with an Olympus C2500L (classic digital slr) and now shoot with an old Canon 20D. My lenses are 50mm f2.8 prime canon, 50mm macro canon, 18-70 sigma, 80-400 sigma stabilized. I shoot almost everything in RAW and JPG simultaneously. I process my favorites from RAW in either PS or Capture One. Those shots above look great. I love that 500mm dove and the wedding shots.

I learned a lot by following the greats over at photoblink.com. It's a strange site but the photos are nothing short of amazing.

I use an old D40 w/18-55 kit lens that I bought used off CL a few years ago, and added a 55-200VR last year. I shoot whatever appeals to me at the time. I have fun with it, and don't worry too much about how artistic I get.










Edited by Arne

Me too, seems like its a common hobby here as well. Couple years back I got a Nikon D60 and the af-s 18-200mm. If i get more into auto, or downhill mountain biking id like to invest in a D300 or whatever is out by the time i have the money.






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