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I don't have turn signals, never had since I got the car. The headlights, parking lights, reverse and brake lights work. The hazard lights work on the left side only with the dash light illuminating the left side turn indicator. From the checks I did so far I think I have a short. I have the FSM and started continuity checks on the T/S combo, then from the T/S connector to dash connector C3 and flasher unit and then flasher unit to dash connector C2. I have found that I have continuity between Green/Red stripe (left turn) and Green/Black (right turn) of the male pins of the T/S combo connector. Connectors C3 and C2 were disconnected for the continuity checks. The FSM is telling me the wires go to the turn signal lamp at the TACH then onto the C3 connector. So somewhere between the wiring connectors there is a short……….. has anyone seen the wires short out at the signal indicators?


Pulled the tach out along with the dash....put the multimeter on the T/S combo connector between GR and GB. I get continuity. Now when I went to wiggling some wires I found myself at the tach with the turn signal lights. The short seems to be at those lamps. Once I pull the wire off either of the bulbs the short stops. The bulb gets its ground off the tach frame...right? what is going on here?

If you had a short, you would most likely be blowing a fuse or melting a fusible link. It sounds more like you have an open circuit. At the same, you could have a a cross-connection in the circuit, either before or after the open circuit.

Unfortunately, one of the challenges of diagnosing this circuit is that the same lights are fed from two sources. It can be difficult isolating the hazard flashers from the turn signals if you're not careful.

That being said, let's go back to your original statement:

The hazard lights work on the left side only with the dash light illuminating the left side turn indicator.

It sounds like your GB wire has an open circuit, probably in the console harness or at the hazard light switch. the GB & GR wires from the hazard switch meet up with the rest of the lighting circuit in the dash harness. So we know the left side of the dash harness is probably good.

Moving the wires in the steering column and getting positive results makes me suspect a loose wire.

I forgot one other thing. The hazard switch interrupts the 12VDC+ going to the turn signals. Bad connections anywhere between the hazard switch and the turn signal switch can be related to your problem.

Look for damage in the connectors and clean your turn signal switch and let us know if you find anything.

Edited by SteveJ
E's post made me remember one more point.

I took the dash out because of all the corrosion. White flaky junk was falling all over the place. This weekend I cleaned (wire brush and sand paper) the metal and painted all the support legs and braces. Going to paint the main part of the dash this week. Now I have a dash harness on my work table. I am still getting contitunity between GR and GB of the T/S combo connector on the dash harness. I see where the wires split to different connectors but why am I getting contitunity on those two wires on the same connector? I traced the wires and don't see any breaks or burns or anything!!! Can I have a bad connector?

Yes, you could have a bad connector.

First, please clarify something for me. When you say you have continuity between GR & GB, is that with both ends of that section of harness disconnected? If so, anticipate having to replace connectors. Can you post pictures of the harness, especially around the connectors?

Tighten the clips in the connectors and see if that helps. Check for clean connection points, you can still get the parts for the connectors.

If you want to take the connector blades and sockets out, they have a tab you push down on the inside of the connector.

the picture is the T/S combo connector. The white wire goes to the flasher unit. There isn't continuity until I attach the tach connector and goes away when I remove the WR or WB turn signal indicator lights at the back of the tach.


Check the condition of the bulb sockets for the turn signals going to the tach housing. You make it sound like that is where the circuits are crossing.

Until you diagnose what is up there, leave that unplugged, and examine the other points I listed earlier. While it's great to have the turn signal light indicators on the dash, it's not crucial in tracking down the other problems.

If you have damaged connectors, you can find replacements at Vintage Connections.

Guys-Thanks for the tips. Looked at all the connectors and I can't find anything wrong or damaged. I opened up the hazard switch and found some heavy corrosion on the topside of the contact lever. Also I think I lost a part! Once I put it back together the switch doesn't "click". Opened it back up there seems to be some threads on the back side of the rocker switch. something has to go there to put pressure on the lever. I looked around the work area and can't find it! Oh well. Will look tomorrow when the sun is out. Again guys thanks for the help. time for beer and football!

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