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^ +1

The 1977 saltwater-cooled 318 engine on our powerboat has probably sat up every winter for 3+ decades in a brutal, moist, salty environment, with heavy condensation every night. The outside of the motor looks somewhat like a 17th century ship's anchor in its raw state, pulled by divers from the ocean's bottom. I recently did an R&R on the intake manifold, and the valve assembly, push rods, etc. were in amazingly nice, rust-free condition. There was only a touch of surface rust on the #1 exhaust pushrod, where some salt water had dribbled down from the riser over the #1 cylinder. I was truly amazed. After seeing the condition of the internals of that 318, I have nearly zero worries about any other motor that sits up.

That's the second mention of Sea Foam as a storage agent. Why wouldn't you use a product like Sta Bil which is made for storage. Seafoam is a cleaner/motor treatment (whatever that part of the description means) while Sta Bil is fuel stabilzer. It's made to be used in stored vehicles while Sea Foam is designed to be run through the system. Different products for different uses......

Well I think it says right on the can its also a fuel stablizer too besides the other things it does. I have had several mechanics (of Z's too) say to go ahead and use sea foam for the winter time. So I dont think its bad to use it. :stupid: but what do I really know. Not much :-)

Edited by argniest

^ +1

The 1977 saltwater-cooled 318 engine on our powerboat has probably sat up every winter for 3+ decades in a brutal, moist, salty environment, with heavy condensation every night. The outside of the motor looks somewhat like a 17th century ship's anchor in its raw state, pulled by divers from the ocean's bottom. I recently did an R&R on the intake manifold, and the valve assembly, push rods, etc. were in amazingly nice, rust-free condition. There was only a touch of surface rust on the #1 exhaust pushrod, where some salt water had dribbled down from the riser over the #1 cylinder. I was truly amazed. After seeing the condition of the internals of that 318, I have nearly zero worries about any other motor that sits up.

haha this really made me laugh :-) I like your description being pulled by divers from the ocean bottom. Does make me wonder how the Z engine fares in the wintertime for those who just leave it sit there. Seems like it would be fine.

Edited by argniest

Well I think it says right on the can its also a fuel stablizer too besides the other things it does. I have had several mechanics (of Z's too) say to go ahead and use sea foam for the winter time. So I dont think its bad to use it. :stupid: but what do I really know. Not much :-)
Not saying it's bad; I've used both. Sta Bil is a 'purpose built' fuel stabilizer while Sea Foam is a multipurpose fuel treatment. You can use either but I prefer to clean with Sea Foam and store with Sta Bil.

Just goes to show with a topic like this, you wont get just one answer being that everyone has there own opinion on what you should do during winter storage and nothing wrong with that. Just like "What brand oil should I use?" Stick with what ever works best for you with your particular storage situation. Everyones storage situation is different.

Like I've said, I've done what I listed above in my Z and in an RV I had for many years and never had any problems. When I had the valve covers off on both, the top parts of the motor looked clean and were just like brand new. No damage done to them at all and both my Z and motorhome which was a 1979 ran smooth a silk every spring and neither used any oil during hot summer driving.

Again, not to disagree with anyone elses suggestions on here as everyones storage situation is different. Just simply reporting the success I have had personally every year with my winter storage routine.

As for the Sea Foam - It IS a fuel stabilizer as well as a cleaner as noted on the label on the can. Here again by all means, use what work for you and use whatever your happy with but I personally stick with the Sea Foam because I've heard horror stories from people that claim stuff like Sta-bil over time gunks up fuel system components. Now I have NO facts to say thats true or not but for me just seeing that red thick looking liquid stuff doesn't appeal to me dumping that in my gas tank. Sea Foam is just more appealing to me being it's a clean thin clear liquid that both stabilizes and cleans out the system thoroughly in the process which is a really good thing because lets face it, the quality of gasoline you get at the pump now days is absolutely terrible and goes to hell so fast that Sea Foam Treatments are must. I dump a can of it in my truck like once or twice a year simply for that reason. I love Sea Foam because it serves so many beneficial purposes all in one can which is why it cost a little more but well worth it.

Again, take from it what you will. Just sharing my personal experience and opinions. Not trying to raise hell and start up any arguments :):)

Edited by DatsunZsRule

Also, there is a product called StarBrite or Star Brite from Star Tron. A Z mechanic was telling me about that Star Brite stuff. So I ordered some from a marine place in chicagoland. I used to live out there, and I knew of the place listed on the star tron website. It looks like an amazing product. I did use some of it too. It has many benefits, and I really liked the science behind it. Again, who knows how much is fact or fiction or just marketing hype...but a 25+ year Z mechanic told me about it. ANd said its good stuff and some of his customers used it to help clean things up and stablize ethanol based fuels in their Z cars.

Well a 40+ year Datsun owner/enthusiast recently told you about Sta Bil........

Hey there Stephen,

I'm with you man on being a long time Datsun owner/enthusiast ;)

Just offering my personal preference is all. Glad you are too and that the sta-bil works good for you. (But I'm still sticking with my Sea Foam) LOL:beer:

argniest - Like many vehicles out there, ethanol and L series engines don't agree with each other. Your asking for expensive problems if you do that. Maybe that Z mechanic you know is refering to the new Z's today that have the ability to run on E85 like the 370Z perhaps???

Edited by DatsunZsRule

I'm not arguing. Everyone knows what they are comfortalbe with and what works for them. I'm just throwing it out there (like everone else). It becomes somewhat anecdotal especially when we start discussing what someone else recommends. Keep in mind that my vehicles don't have to survive freezing winters so what works here for me may or may not be as effective in Minnesota or Midwest, USA or in any climate different than where my experiences are based on.


Edited by sblake01

I'm not arguing. Everyone knows what they are comfortalbe with and what works for them. I'm just throwing it out there (like everone else). It becomes somewhat anecdotal especially when we start discussing what someone else recommends. Keep in mind that my vehicles don't have to survive freezing winters so what works here for me may or may not be as effective in Minnesota or Midwest, USA or in any climate different than where my experiences are based on.


Amen :cool:

argniest - Like many vehicles out there, ethanol and L series engines don't agree with each other. Your asking for expensive problems if you do that. Maybe that Z mechanic you know is refering to the new Z's today that have the ability to run on E85 like the 370Z perhaps???

Sorry, what I was saying that the star brite product was made specifically to help cars like Z cars who dont like ethanol. Besides the other benefits that stuff offers. I will always have some around my garage. :-)

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