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Hi all,

We are in the process of putting together a member-rides calendar for the club. If you have some high quality digital images of your CLASSIC Zcar, we'd love to put it in the calendar!

We will be taking all of our submissions and adding them to a 2003 wall calendar. This calendar will be available in January. So, start sending us your images soon!

All submissions shall be at least 150dpi and 1725 x 1350 in size. Your car will be created with your username and location so other people will know how to get ahold of you on the site.

There are many many nice cars in our gallery and I'd love to see most of you get these submissions to me in the next month. So, go find those images and send them to me. This is going to be a fun project and I'm sure we can do it every year!

Send your image to the email address: webmaster@240z.org

Thanks everyone!


Featured Replies

Originally posted by Mr Camouflage

So how many bambi decals you got stuck on the side of your car? WW2 style.

I don't have any stickers on the car at the moment (except for an IZCC decal on the quarter window). However I've toyed with the idea of eventually when the car is painted, of having a "Bambikiller" Sticker made up that I could put on the Quarter window. I wouldn't go so far as to put it on the new paint though.

She's only earned one sticker, and believe me that one is TOO MUCH. Her name, and my screen-name are merely attempts to laugh at a situation I HATE having happened, but that I cannot change. If I don't laugh about it, I'll cry.


Originally posted by BambiKiller240

I'm not meaning to minimize the value of the efforts to publish it (which I DO appreciate, cause I'd love to have a calender to look at all year long), but a calender really does have a shelf life. Otherwise, it's just pictures on the wall.

Don't forget it's a way to bring in $$ to support the club.

Everything I do here is unpaid and eats away at other things in my life. My poor '71 has been sitting gathering dust for almost 5 years now. Grante, not just because of the club -- I also purchased a house.

But, I hope the reason behind the calendar isn't just to get a wall-calendar. You can buy those anywhere.

Speaking of which... if there are any computer-graphics people out there, we could use some help on this project. I have set up the format and obtained all the images. They just need to be put together using the minimum size specification. An imagination also helps. :)

Originally posted by Mike

Don't forget it's a way to bring in $$ to support the club.

Everything I do here is unpaid and eats away at other things in my life. My poor '71 has been sitting gathering dust for almost 5 years now. Grante, not just because of the club -- I also purchased a house.

But, I hope the reason behind the calendar isn't just to get a wall-calendar. You can buy those anywhere.

For me the reason for buying the (any) calender IS first and formost for the calender. I need to have a calender, and would absolutely rather buy one here, than elsewhere, but I need a calender starting in January. I can support the club with purchases of other items, or by choosing to donate $ straight to the club.

I completely understand how your efforts are unpaid, and that most of what you do for the club keeps you from either enjoying other things in life, attending to other obligations, not to mention the Jedi Z which needs to be worked on, which is why I suggest postponing the "useful" dates of the calender and pushing the publication date out some. I believe that you will sell more calenders that have 12 (or 18) useful months to them than one which at least some people will view as partially outdated. Others have tried to publish a calender and even with early production were not sucessfull enough financially to continue to publish. This one needs a fighting chance to be sucessfull.

A calender is form and function, a marriage of both. If it was just a group of pictures you were selling, the timing would not be important to anyone. However, by March most people have all the 2003 calenders they need. Sure some hard core Z people will buy one just to support the club, but I believe you'll miss sales to many other "casual" Z fans who look at a calender more practically. JMO

Another thing I just thought of is that a calender with a full "useful" year might be able to be distributed through people like Troy at Too Intense, MSA, or others. Heck even auctioned to the real casual Z'ers on eBay for even more income to the club. I don't believe any of those avenues would be available for consideration with a Jan to Dec 2003 calender that is published in March or April of 03. I'd like to see the project return as much money as possible for the effort that must be put into it's production.

Please don't look at this as complaining about a "late" calender; I want to see your efforts pay off with the maximum amount of sales possible, and secondarily I also want to be able to enjoy the calender for a whole year. If the calender has to be published in April, I'd just a soon see it run from April 03 through March of 04, so we can enjoy all of the photos for a whole year.

I'll bet the club eats as much of your time as the house does.

It doesn't seem fair that the leader of the club doesn't even get to work on his Z. :(

I'm ignorant about graphics but if you need help with distibution or fulfillment of orders I volunteer to assist with that.

What would you think of a single page calendar with a collage of member rides? That is probably do-able for me at this point.

The biggest hit for me was the sudden shut down of our local office. That's hard to deal with especially in a shitty economy!! My options are to move to NY or Melbourne. Decisions, decisions.

I'd say the job issue and to move or not to move (or where to move) is FAR more important than the calender. I don't believe that the calender will make or break the club (maybe I'm wrong?)

Save the photo's and use them at a later date when the really important things in your life are more sorted out. You can't be all things to all people all of the time. We'll get by without a calender for a while longer.

I'd been waiting for the calender so that I could order all of the club mechandise that I want at once. But I'm just going to place my order for shirts, mugs, decals, etc when my next paycheck arrives on March 01.

PS: Melbourne is warmer that NY, the girls are prettier, and the beer is better! :D

I do graphics, but I wont be able to download anything for another 3 days as my download limit is over 100% and I pay dearly for every MB over...

Contact me in 3 days if you can't find someone else in time...

As for the Calendar, I'll buy it :)

Originally posted by Alfadog

I do graphics, but I wont be able to download anything for another 3 days as my download limit is over 100% and I pay dearly for every MB over...

This is one example why I like America better. UNLIMITED bandwidth. :D

Don't worry Alfa, you guys will be there in a year or so.

Regarding the Calendar:

I agree with Carl. Many people will just buy the Calendar to help support the club, but may feel somewhat slighted at missing out on 25% of the year.

Doing a single page calendar with a collage, in my opinion wouldn't be sellable for much money. You might be able to get $5-10 now that it's almost March. I'm sure the printing costs are such that that would barely cover them.

If the 18 month calendar is out of the question, why not work on getting the 2004 calendar done well, as proffesionally looking as possible and get a ton of advance sales so that it not only makes money, it makes a ton of money.

Already there are newsletters, web-sites and other places announcing pre-orders for 2004 calendars.


Make it into a 16 month calendar (September 03 to December 04) and mention that it's format is also to help parents with children and college kids plan ahead.

Now, with that off to the side:


Regarding the job, having been there and knowing what it's like to agonize over do I move or quit or .......

Have you asked your company if you could telecommute? Since you're into computer programming, I can't imagine that they wouldn't realize that it's to their advantage.

The other important thing, is that YOUR physical and fiscal well-being are far more important than the calendar or even the web-site..

If we need to "discuss" amongst the members what parts or if it should go to a "subscription" or dues paying membership, then please be forthright and say so. While there are people who would not chip in, there are others who would. Surely this could help ease some of the "strain".

just my 2¢

Enrique Scanlon

Originally posted by EScanlon

Already there are newsletters, web-sites and other places announcing pre-orders for 2004 calendars.


Make it into a 16 month calendar (September 03 to December 04) and mention that it's format is also to help parents with children and college kids plan ahead.

Now, with that off to the side:


Regarding the job, having been there and knowing what it's like to agonize over do I move or quit or .......

Have you asked your company if you could telecommute? Since you're into computer programming, I can't imagine that they wouldn't realize that it's to their advantage.

The other important thing, is that YOUR physical and fiscal well-being are far more important than the calendar or even the web-site..

If we need to "discuss" amongst the members what parts or if it should go to a "subscription" or dues paying membership, then please be forthright and say so. While there are people who would not chip in, there are others who would. Surely this could help ease some of the "strain".

Offer me the chance to advance purchase a fully useful calender and my order will be placed within two weeks! 16 months is IMO a good idea that I'd support, but I'd stil buy a 12 month one that was fully useful.

Though I'm generally opposed to "subscription requirements" for use of a club (any club) website; I am also opposed to someone with financial concerns shouldering an additional burden such the expenses of a website that others derive value and enjoyment from. While my finances may not allow me to become a subscriber at a level tht covers much of the costs, I am willing to contribute some to help cover the expenses of the site. I'm fairly sure that most others would be willing to help out, evenif it is just a one time contribution rather than an ongoing subscription.


Carl I agree with your post, for a number of reasons.

Let me digress a bit before I explain. (NO!:rolleyes: Not that.)

Some months back many of us did in fact chip in to support the web site. At that time, many of us sported "Supporting Member" as our by-line beneath our name on the posts. I don't know how much was generated by this, and have no idea how long it supported the cluib for, but I'm reasonably certain that that amount is probably long gone.

The reason I mention it, is that other than the By-Line, there wasn't anything to differentiate a supporting member from those that did not. There were also few if any benefits, other than the warm fuzzy from having done so.

As a result, since the bulk of this web-site is devoted to helping people, asking those members who ARE the ones to post replies to the questions, to in turn be the ones to fund it, is basically asking them to pay to help. I don't know too many people who would do that.

By recommending the "subscription" or "dues" areas, is similar to what AOL did years ago. Much of their service was free, while many areas were "Plus" areas, meaning that there was a surcharge for using them. Since we don't have the meter running when we're on the site, I was suggesting that those areas be made into not only Registered members only, but Registered and Supporting members only.

Areas like the Picture Gallery. Individual Forums for Clubs. Certain of the Forums could definitely be made into Registered Only to VIEW and Registered and Suipporting to POST.

But I admit that I couldn't get the wife to allow me to chip in an amount every week / month / year if others can do the same as I do and NOT chip in.


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