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So, I am in NYC for business over the next few weeks. First we had an earthquake last week, and now hurricane Irene is bearing down on the city. My thoughts go out to all the members who are affected by this storm and hope you (and your Z's) are all safe and sound. I know many of the members on the East coast and hoping that the damage is minimal. Take care!

Mike :bunny:

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We have a house at Emerald Isle so we will be going down in the next few days. I know there a lot of trees down,cell towers are backup but no communication so far. The storm was really a slow mover. New Bern NC is in bad shape, a lot of flooding on the sound side.If you like to go to a nice beach,take a trip to Emerald Isle.

Talk about the media overhyping and crying wolf, Irene was a fart in the wind compared to the juggernaut they were warning of. The better safe than sorry, excuses are no excuse. When the next one comes, and it really is a killer storm, no one will take the appropriate measures because the media, much like our government has lost all credibility when it comes to these things.

I liken it to the way the government passes these prophylactic laws that erode our freedoms, and they simply say it was for your own good when the laws fail to do what they said they passed it to accomplish in the first place. Maby Obama should form a commission to study the benefits of declaring a war on Irene

Yeah we got an f1-f2 (Juan) hit us directly in 2003 (NS Canada) and it was bad but we dealt with it quickly and all was back to normal in 7 to 10 days.

I was looking at the NOAA plot for Irene and did not know what the hype was about... f0-f1 is pretty much just a windy wet day.

On TV I saw a lot of reporters without wind socks/foam on their mics to try and enhance the low wind so it is easy to see the press are full of BS makers.

Here is a low F2's (Juan) power:



Took a trip to Emerald Isle, no damage to the house. THANK GOD. Going down saw a lot of trees down, Crop fields flooded, power outage the last 55 miles to the beach. Had 12 inches of rain in Swanboro NC. The government we have today has tunnel vision, they can't think out of the box. The culture is hard to change. This has to start at the local level. I need to stop. My 1 cent worth.

The hurricane Irene appeared to have fallen short of the doomsday predictions. Indeed, it caused so much destruction to all areas affected. More than million homes and businesses lost power, and deaths were blamed on the storm. Extensive damage plagued the entire coast as the storm uprooted trees, and caused flooding because of the storm's downpour. From what I read the storm caused an estimated $7 billion to $13 billion in damages. Therefore, the impact of the hurricane was really felt in all sectors including the auto industry. It has said that August auto sales fall below expectations after the storm. Now, even Mr. Barack Obama warned that the effects of Hurricane Irene will be felt for some time and the recovery or restoration will last for weeks or longer. I hope that the affected areas will soon stand up after this downfall. Let's pray for our nation's speedy recovery.

The weathermen missed it.... it was not the wind but rather the rain that caused the problems.

The media was in NYC and along the coast waiting for the wind and hyping fear when at the same 100 to 200 miles inland, the deluge that all missed except the poor folks hit by it without warning.... shame on the meteorologists and press.... they missed it completely.

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