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Picked up car from the paint both, had the type ll body kit removed and repainted car. Ordered new stainless bumpers to replace the body kit. New front spoiler added with the small rear spolier. Now the long road of putting her back together and have her ready for Z DAYZ.

I replaced two leaky hoses that carry coolant through the intake manifold. I took the car for a test drive on a nearby twisty road. Coming towards me in the opposite direction was a big Chevy pickup truck driving too fast for this road. He went off the road on the right, over-corrected, slid across and off the road on the left, swerved back onto the road back into his lane and regained control. By this time, I was nearly stopped as he drove past me. I am really glad that I had not been driving faster which would have put me in harm's way. Visions of "Frank in Houston's" scary and sad accident last week went through my head. Ugh.

Today ORANGINA (my 72 Z ) did not had a pulse, no juice, did a mini trouble shoot and a new battery was in order, got her back on the road.I know that BROCKEE ( my 72 two door 510 )will have the same health issue soon,the joys in owning 40 yrs young toys:love:LOL

Edited by 72 OJ

We have some incredible early spring weather.

Got up early and drove to Niagara Falls (New York).

Picked up a case of Valvoline 10/30 VR1 oil and got a cheap tank of fuel in my wife's Pilot.

The oil is not available in that viscosity in Canada.

Got home changed the oil and filter and greased the front end and steering rack.

Got the Z out in the driveway gave it a bath and went for a drive.:D

The car ran like a champ.

I have never been able to do that on March 17 ever!



got the zed out of hibernation today. 4 or 5 turns of the key and pumping gas pedal, she fired up. battery fine. ran like a swiss watch. :) as everyone knows in the east and midwest the weather has been awsome. also the earliest i've had it out. mileage at 99,665. should hit 00000 in a few weeks, weather permitting.

Today I removed a nasty mouse nest from my heater/blower housing. The car was stored for many years by the original owner before I got it two years ago. I had removed one of these nests from the glove compartment and another from one of the side vents, but I still kept smelling the mouse "residue" on long drives. (I only drive the car in nice weather so I never use the heat.) So, today I pulled the blower out. What a mess! I'll let the pictures tell the story...

The blower box...


Behind the dash above the heater core. This was packed solid...


Is it any wonder that my blower motor did not work?


And after cleaning, wire-brushing, sanding and painting...


The motor actually works again!

Edited by kjohnson2444

i did, as if anyone really cares, a lot. timing was at 40degrees, adjusted my SUs after dismantling them to find the valves stuck (one open one closed), plugs, adjusted my points which were closed ( not sure how it was running at all, alternator swap to 79 280zx finally complete, fixed left head light now just as brightly dim as the drivers side, my passenger side door now closes AND locks, fixed leak at thermostat to head installed new thermostat where there was none and ran new heater hose (or should i say around the back of the motor hose and slimed one tire in hopes that ill only have to fill three tires every few days instead of four. tomorrow ill do less i think and may have to go beach so i stop dreaming about all the things i have left to do to this datsun. thanks for your support...

Charged my battery. Got my overhead light working last weekend and promptly forgot to turn it off....

mine came on by itself last week, i was so shocked and happy but as i went to turn it off (shutting the door didn't help) my finger went straight through the plastic and the bulb and everything fell on to my shoulder. i just lightly pushed on it, pieces!

I updated my build thread with pictures, but the text version is this:

Got attacked by a mouse that was living in the exhaust pipe.

Removed entire exhaust

Removed hatch

Removed tail lights and section

semi sorted loose parts

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