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As the merits of the OE system have been documented here,it still can't hold a candle to a modern(MS)system.
Or even a modern OEM system. It's amazing how many things can be programmed on my GTO. Keep in mind that improper adjustment can decrease performance and even cause damage. That's all I'll say lest we go furhter off topic.....

reformatted by blue:

Q1 dropping resistors (6 Ohm) are grouped into 4 and 2. Who knows why?

Q2. This one is at the house now... Can't wait for you to see it. :)

A1. My guess is due to your asking.... maybe the 2 cylinders are sprayed at a different time from the 4 for performance or for instantaneous current limiting/distributing the draw from the battery. But as you mentioned... there is no association between the any injection pulse and a specific spark pulse for a cylinder because there is no cam position sensor or plug1 signal to sync the injector to a cylinder.

A2. I am there,,,, maybe Sunday or next week. I will ring tomorrow

Now back to cooking Chicken Beausejour

Edited by Blue


At the very end of that thread, you mentioned a L-Jet Lobotmy and attached a .zip. What's that all about?


I'm not a member over there... What was that .zip file?

Forgot about that file. Here it is. It's a webpage that I was able to salvage from bits and pieces of internets history.

Yes, modern CAN systems are the coolest things since sliced bread. They make Our JECS system look like a Radioshack electronics kit from 1974. LOL Oh, wait...it basically is.

L-Jet Lobotamy.zip

Edited by cygnusx1

You can also still browse the article here.... thank goodness for the NSA.... nothing we write goes unnoticed, unchecked and un-stored .... including this:)

I like Tero's statement "My opinion is that if you can't press a clutch pedal you should be sitting at the back. "

Edited by Blue

Thanks for the wayback.

I'm not surprised at all that our old L-jet can't compete with modern systems. The advances in electronics since our system was made are simply astounding. Today, one could probably completely replace our entire ECU with a small microcontroller and a couple external components to handle the current required by the injectors.

A project I would love to take on... But probably never will. :classic:

Something to keep in mind (if it matters to you):

MegaSquirt® EFI controllers DO NOT have exemption orders, and thus are NOT emissions legal for sale or use on any on-road pollution controlled vehicles in the U.S.A. or Canada.
Open Pandora's box.... go ahead: CLICK IF YOU DARE

Haha! Against my better judgment, I clicked.

I knew I shouldn't have, but I clicked anyway. :stupid:

You know there's absolutely no way I could buy this thing and not spend 1000 hrs figuring exactly how it works and why. And then another 1000 hrs with the custom design improvements.

I need another project like I need a hole in the head!!

MegaSquirt® EFI controllers DO NOT have exemption orders, and thus are NOT emissions legal for sale or use on any on-road pollution controlled vehicles in the U.S.A. or Canada.

Yeah, that would be an interesting question in PA. The car is old enough that it is completely exempt from emissions testing, but I'm not sure how PennDOT would interpret an old car with a new system. I suspect they wouldn't care. Old enough to be exempt? Then it's exempt. That would be my guess.

Haha! Read? Who said anything about reading? I figured it would take me 1000 hrs to reverse engineer the whole thing. :pirate:

So. Simply out of misplaced academic interest... If one WERE to switch over to a new technology system like this on a stock engine, what would be the expected improvements?

Should there be improvements in performance, economy, drivability, emissions?

All of the above?

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