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No reverse


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I have a 4 speed which won't go into reverse shifts into 1-4 with no problem. Now this is with the engine not running, I am in the process of building another engine, the one in the car has a dead cylinder and won't start but thats a whole other issue. I've replaced the throw out bearing, have a new clutch in the old motor, new pilot bushing in the old motor, rebuilt clutch master and operating cylinders. I have not adjusted the pedal free play. It shifted fine when I took the tranny out now won't go into reverse. Any suggestions where to start?

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Reverse has no synchro gears. Try rocking the car back and forth while you're trying to get it in to reverse. The gear teeth are probably just in the wrong position to mesh.

Edit - this will only work if the drive shaft is installed.

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If the above does not help:

EZ 1: Does it feel like the stick is not swinging far enough to the right? Could be slop in the linkage.

Difficult 1: Damaged internal mechanism... I had this with a 4 speed I rebuilt last year: check post #3 here http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?42884-FS4W71A-Transmission-Assembly-Photos-(Jan-1971-240z)

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If you aren't already doing so, press the clutch pedal down while attempting to engage reverse. As Zed said, the gears might not be lined up such to allow engagement. Releasing the clutch will allow the gears to move when you try to engage reverse. Otherwise, move the car (which will turn the gears) as Zed has already said.

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