March 13, 201213 yr Author comment_383960 Nasty crash, glad you are alright. Sounds like you were put into a situation I do not really think you could of got out of, if I understand the situation correctly a trailer came off a truck and left you with not many options. Might of been worse if you overreacted and or tried too hard to avoid the trailer, one of those things you will never really know but definitely could of been worse, far worse. You mentioned your ribs got bruised up, did you hit the steering wheel or was it just due to the seat belt? Curious as to what belts you had in the car and how you felt they performed. Your situation, and once again I am so sorry for your loss of the car and injuries, makes me rethink my choice in seat belts since I just have a lap belt at the moment and it would be wise of me to upgrade to something else. New webbing, stock buckles and hardware. The belt is what compressed my ribcage. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 13, 201213 yr Author comment_383961 Frank, so sorry this happened to you (and the early Z)!! Hopefully his parts will go to help other cars that need to survive!Already working on that Mike. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 13, 201213 yr Author comment_383962 I still say that if you are going to get another early car, you need to take the buy back optionon this one. There are thousands of dollars in used parts on that disfigured beauty you will need or want to transplant to the next car. You can call the new one Frankinstine and think of Ol' Yeller when you get behind the wheel.I'm thinking that direction, 5th. My step-son already has a '70 spotted for me w/20K alleged miles. That may be a bit of misinformation, though. We'll just wait and see. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 13, 201213 yr comment_383966 Hope it's a winner, would be one lucky car. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 13, 201213 yr comment_383968 There is a low # 70 in Oregon that a member here just pulled out of a barn. Needs work, but it is a sub 2000 VIN. He has picture in his post. Hope you are feeling better. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 14, 201213 yr comment_384089 that sucks. at least youll heal. good luck with another one. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 15, 201213 yr comment_384138 Check with Hagerty in regards to the salvage value of the car. Most of the companies I dealt with will allow you to buy it back for that value. I am pretty sure you won't be allowed to take anything off the car. They are settling the claim on an agreed value basis which means they give you the amount on the policy (no depreciation /haggling) and they take the car. Hagerty is my favorite classic car company and have placed most of my classic car clients with them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 15, 201213 yr Author comment_384144 I discussed this with them today. Should have a salvage value within a few days.Check with Hagerty in regards to the salvage value of the car. Most of the companies I dealt with will allow you to buy it back for that value. I am pretty sure you won't be allowed to take anything off the car. They are settling the claim on an agreed value basis which means they give you the amount on the policy (no depreciation /haggling) and they take the car. Hagerty is my favorite classic car company and have placed most of my classic car clients with them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 16, 201213 yr comment_384306 Frank, My condolences for your loss. But, I am very glad to know that you came out of the tragedy non-the-less for wear. Let us know how the community can support you in your efforts to put four wheels back onto the road. We'll all be interested to know how well Hagerty's takes care of you, since many of us in the club use Hagerty's services. Tony Edited March 16, 201213 yr by auzziez Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 16, 201213 yr comment_384310 d240zx2......that was a tragic episode but your fine and a substitute is in the horizon......heal fast and best of luck with the new Z. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 17, 201213 yr comment_384444 Another butterscotch Z owner chiming in now.Frank, I'm glad to hear you're okay, but what about my "cousin" Sue? Was she with you?I'm distressed to hear about your car's misfortune, as she's one of the prettiest I've seenand especially, knowing about your personal history with her. Listen Frank, you have gotto save that car, again with your personal history, but also with the low VIN number. I've seen some pretty bad wrecks, worse than yours, get straightened out so's you wouldnever know the difference. In fact, I once did one when I was at auto body repair school;later it was used as both a drive-around company car for the school and a display at fairsfor what could be done by their students. A full book of "before, after, and during" photosand finished in BLACK to see if there were any imperfections. Not to portray myself asany kind of hero, just to encourage you with what CAN, SHOULD, AND MUST be done. As one of the guys suggested above, if you have agreed value insurance with Hagerty and you insured her high enough, that is a great start, if not TOTAL coverage. But whether or not, it's obviously the fault of the trailer owner, and HIS insuror should cover it first. Iwould let Hagerty and his carrier duke it out to get you full coverage under a provisioncalled "subrogation." All this failing, I would have no reservation whatsoever about hauling the case off into a court of law. My philosophy is simple: you were in no way at fault, so there is no possible reason you should have to be out ONE PENNY for your misfortune. In fact, if I were on the jury, you would be remunerated for inconvenience and distress, evenABOVE the cost of the repairs/rebuild/restoration/whatever.One of the nice aspects of being affiliated with Hagerty is that they have contacts allover the country, maybe even the WORLD, with whom they can find and obtain even veryhard-to-find, obsolescent or obsolete parts. Another recommendation I want to make, isto deal with a very reputable classic car restoration facility. In fact, under the circum-stances, I wouldn't be a bit bashful or reluctant about taking her to the best one I could find. I can say that, because I know #721 firsthand, upclose and personal, and there isno legal reason whatsoever she should not be brought back (yes, restored) to her pre-vious state. And as another brother stated above, if Hagerty and your restoration shop can't find a part or two that you need, there are several hundreds or thousands of sets of eyes and earsright on this website that I would bet would WILLINGLY help you.All Z Best,............................Kathy & Rick Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
March 18, 201213 yr comment_384488 Admin, please delete this post. Edited March 18, 201213 yr by zed2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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