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my 71 240 with 14,000 original miles is giving me headaches. I have questions I need answers please.

1. When replacing antifreeze should i fill the radiator to the top if I don't have expansion tank and should I install one. should I leave a little space like an inch for expansion.

2. Why is it that the heat doesn't seem to be coming out of the correct vents when you put the sliders where there suppose to be. The cables are attached properly and the heat comes out of the defroster vents when the slider for heat is in the off position or something like that. Verrrrrry strange.

3. The idle adjustment screws are the two closest to each carb even though someone told me that they are the air blead screws and the true idle screw is the one on the linkage marked fast idle whats the truth?

4. When at a stop at a light or whatever the idle doesn't come down unless I punch the accelerator pedal with my foot and then it drops back to 650 or so. Whats the deal with that. Is it the throttle arm sticking.

5. The car hasn't been driven much in 30 years although the brakes feel fine should I get a complete brake job and change the master cylinder as preventive maintenace., or should I wait until I notice a problem.

6. Same thing for the fuses should I replace and clean the contacts and clean the contacts at the alternator and starter and stuff. Will I lose a fusible link or am I paranoid.

7. Should I be so obsessive about my su carbs or should I get the car running well and forget about them.

8. For a vehicle that was suppose to be so reliable when designed why does so many people have so much trouble with these cars. It's kind of ludricous isn't it' I can spend all week reading owners troubles with there Zs. Since I have signed on to this club I have become addicted to it in one day.

Can anyone help answer these questions for me. I am the cardogman1 thanks burt


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1. Fill it to the bottom of the neck when you first fill it. Run the engine until it reaches normal op temp and then check to see if the level is the same. You'll get a few air pockets when you drain and re-fill, so after a short drive around the block, check and re-fill it to just below the neck.

2. Sounds like one of the cables may not be operating the way it should, either the clamp is off where it connects the cable housing to the vent control panel or on the heater itself. When you move the lever, make sure the cable is not moving without closing and opening the valves.

3. The idle screws are the upright ones on the through shaft of the carb linkage. Until you get your return spring problem fixed, you might be better to leave them alone for now.

4. It is either sticking or the springs need to be replaced. Look to see if there are two springs connecting the linkage to the heat shield over the exhaust manifold.

5. Check thoroughly for leaks, then a flush of the system would be the minimum. If after flushing the brakes system, they aren't up to par, replace the master cylinder and re-build or replace the rear wheel cylinders/calipers. Too many years of sitting will draw a lof of moisture into the fluid as the caps on the master do not seal that well.

6. Clean and check all the fuse clips on the fuse panel and clean/or replace any wiring under the hood that doesn't look good. You'll save a lof of grief later if you do it now.

7. Don't mess with the carbs until you do all the other little things first. A tune-up and any preventive maintenance will usually do the trick, if it doesn't, then go to the carbs.

8. They are as dependable as long your preventive maintenance is done and you don't leave things tha tneed to be attended to undone. You have to remember how old these cars are, they aren't new. Even a new car will spend time in the shop getting small items attended too, and these cars are at least simple enough for most anyone to tune up. Try doing that with some of todays "high-tech" cars...


Originally posted by cardogman1

my 71 240 with 14,000 original miles is giving me headaches.

very major snip!

8. For a vehicle that was suppose to be so reliable when designed why does so many people have so much trouble with these cars. It's kind of ludricous isn't it' I can spend all week reading owners troubles with there Zs. Since I have signed on to this club I have become addicted to it in one day.

Can anyone help answer these questions for me. I am the cardogman1 thanks burt


Oh, I know your problem,

If it has only 14k miles on it then your problem is that's it's not run in.


Seriously, though if you haven't run it in 30 years then you will need to give it a major birthday.

ie. new coolent, flush brakes, check all lines, new oil, check plugs, gap, is the fuel stale, do the wheel bearings need greasing, new pads front & rear, corrision in the fuse box, hows the battery? etc etrc, god the list could be enormous.

Try to get hold of a factory manual and follow what they suggest for a major service. 2 many has listed most.

Remember the problems your reading about are from cars that have been used, not hiden away, given the correct attention your zed will bring you much happiness. Remember even Rolex's need servicing every few years.

Good luck.

Thanks 2many You had commented on at least one of my questions before and I appreciate your expertise.

Zedrally I agree and by the way I have a rolex and it is a piece of ---------. It never tells the right time even after bringing it into Rolex for a cleaning two months ago. I live on Long Island and you know rolex is in in Manhattan.

By the way gentleman as you might be able to tell I am not an expert at car mechanics I am an expert at detailing cars though.

I was hoping that finding a car like this I wouldn't have to do much but I am learning that this may not be true. The problem is that there is noone where I live that really knows much about zs. My mechanic fixed these years ago in trinidad believe it or not so he's giving his best effort. I don't think he knows anything about su carbs. So I have a real project on my hands. The car is so beautiful though it's such a work of art. I have a 1999 flawless 911 right next to it in the garage and my Z is in my opinion better to look at., and the porsche is real nice. I guess it's sentiment I had such a good time with my first z in 1973 when I was done with college in boston I just had to get another. Even the way it smells with the typical fumes brings me back to a time that I loved. Well enough ramblind I'm sure you know what I mean.

regards cardogman1---- Burt

Originally posted by cardogman1

8. For a vehicle that was suppose to be so reliable when designed why does so many people have so much trouble with these cars. It's kind of ludricous isn't it' I can spend all week reading owners troubles with there Zs. .

Original reply from 2ManyZs

8. They are as dependable as long your preventive maintenance is done and you don't leave things that need to be attended to undone. You have to remember how old these cars are, they aren't new. Even a new car will spend time in the shop getting small items attended too, and these cars are at least simple enough for most anyone to tune up. Try doing that with some of todays "high-tech" cars...

Add to the above reply the understanding that the technology used in the cars is 30 years old and you'll realize that that more maintainance is required than on current production cars. Auto design and manufacturing have advanced a lot in 30 years! Also, many of these cars have gone through several owners by now and not every owner knew what they were doing, or bothered to maintain the car correctly. Some owners are fixing problems that have existed for years,or are caused by years of neglect.

edit: after re reading, I guess I'm just restating what 2ManyZs said.


Originally posted by cardogman1

Thanks 2many You had commented on at least one of my questions before and I appreciate your expertise.

Zedrally I agree and by the way I have a rolex and it is a piece of ---------. It never tells the right time even after bringing it into Rolex for a cleaning two months ago. I live on Long Island and you know rolex is in in Manhattan.

Actually I'm in Australia and have no concept of LOng Island & Manhattan.

However, you have convinced me that zeds are better enginered than a swiss watch!

If your unable to obtain a factory manual, then you might consider a 260 one from a service pont of view, coupled with the CD that Mike has for sale will give you a pretty good idea of whats what. Else, use the search function in hte list, chances are that someone, somewhere has had a similar problem.

Once again good luck.


The 240 Heater will NEVER put out HEATED air through the vents in the center vent or side "eyeball" vents of the dash.

The only air that will come out of the center and sides is air from the Vent when the Top Lever is on Vent. When the lever is on Heat it will either push air out the defrost tubes (up by the windshield) or down to the floor (Room) down by the top of the transmission tunnel.

This lever is the only one that operates TWO cables. One that goes on the left hand side of the Heater Assy, somewhat to the front, to operate the internal flapper valve. The other cable (the longest one) goes behind the Heater Motor Squirrel Cage to the Fresh Air Vent mechanism to the flap valve there.

The Center Lever just actuates the Heater Valve on the passenger side of the Heater Unit. One cable to this lever.

The Bottom Lever closes a flap inside the Heater Assy that either pushes the air up through the defrost tubes, or let's it out the sides by opening little flaps on both sides of the heater unit below the Heater Core. One cable to this lever.

Hopefully this explains why you're not getting warm air through the "correct" openings.

Enrique Scanlon

Originally posted by Mike

I was 'duped' by that heater thing, too! I always wondered why the heater never put heat through my vents into the cabin. One day someone informed me just like Escanlon.

Almost all new cars have this feature. So, I was used to it.

And there I was, just convinced my girlfriend that her's was malfunctioning as it was meant to deliver cold air!LOL

To escanlon, mike administrator and zedrally,

See this is what I mean don't you think it's kind of strange that they designed the heat direction this way. Agreed that it has been alot of years gone by and that all cars these days throw heat out the front of the dashboard if you choose. Here I was with the plate off replacing the heater core with the mechanic and he's telling me that there doesn't seem to be anything wrong and that he reatached the cables exacytly how they came off. The owners manual doesn't describe very well . So I guess I don't have a problem gee thats different. I got to get used to this concept.


regards Burt

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