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Thanks very much for all the kind words, I will keep the photos coming, and I will make a video of the whole start up when I finally get the exhaust hooked up and the fuel system hooked up. But I am thinking it will take at least a week for all that.

I just received my order from summit racing, minus the black Taylor spark plug wires, which were unfortunately back ordered :disappoin

But I managed to get these tasty tidbits which I admit are a bit superfluous, but I love them. Makes doing valve adjustments so easy.



I can actually gap the plugs properly now. I was going to install the plugs and wires, but realized I some how lost my feeler gauges. I mean really, who loses feeler gauges?

I also need to decide how I am going to fabricate my new return spring. I use to hook it up to the spark plug holder on the valve cover, but that always seemed like an off nominal setup. I think I am going to drill and tap a new hole in the fuel rail, and use that. We will see how that works. Pics to follow.

They say that patience is a virtue. They say that all good things come to those who wait. They say that Patience is the companion of wisdom. What I want to know is who the hell are these people who say all these things. Certainly they were not people waiting a small exhaust part to come back from being ceramic coating so they could start their new L28!

When John Quincy Adams wrote: Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish, he was not at the cusp of starting a brand new engine and hearing it roar its firsts breaths of power.

I am convinced I will learn a life lesson waiting for parts, but certainly all the wisdom fades with anxiousness.

In the mean time, I think will pull off the red valve cover and try to duplicate this top finish Eiji did on his car.


My plan is to use a rigid sanding block and slowly remove the red paint until I get all of it gone, and then go to a finer and finer grit until it is shiny.

As promised, here is my attempt at polishing off the lettering on my valve cover. Problem is when I did this I inadvertently hit the bars that run the length of the valve cover, so I had to polish them... and then it goes on and on... But I am happy with the results!


You know, it is tough to find the anodized ones that stick inside the carb body like mine. My stacks slide between the venturi and carb body about 1.5 inches.

From what I have read, you need to use those type stacks with this kind of carb. If I could find any I would certainly purchase them.

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