Car Shows...what should the ideal car show be Judging-and taking into consideration?
Car Shows...what should the ideal car show be Judging 17 members have voted
1. Car Shows...what should the ideal car show be Judging
Stock class6
Modified with up to 5 cosmetic modifications4
mofified with up to 5 cosmetic Modifications and any engine swap3
Up to 10 Cosmetic Modifications2
Up to 10 COsmetic Modifiactions and any Engine Swap0
Up to 15 Cosmetic Modificartions0
Up to 15 Cosmetic Modifications and any ENgine Swap0
put together and Paid for it myself class-no sponsors-all bolt on blend in parts2
Built it myself but Sponsored0
My specific vision built by an expert I paid0
Up to 5 seriously one off cuatom parts of my own creation-none of them off the shelf0
up to 10 seriously one off cuatom parts of my own creation-none of them off the shelf0
Up to 15 seriously one off cuatom parts of my own creation-none of them off the shelf0
Essentially a complertely new fabrication with oem Styling ques0
It is badged a Z but has almost nothing Z left but the badges.0
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