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Forgive me if this post is a little vauge, the weather and lack of garage has made it impossible to do any real work on it..

The last time it drove wouldve been Sunday the 23rd. I got off work around 11pm, it started just fine, and I drove home with no problems. It was probably around 20-32 degrees, much like today, and to keep it running I am having to keep it choked (im sure thats a problem of its own with the carbs) . Anyway, out of curiousity, I turned off the choke, and the car slowly died.

The next morning, itd snowed like crazy. I went to get it started, and it wouldn't. I realized my choke was still off, so I pulled back the handle and it broke off :( but the lever itself was fine. I checked the position in the engine, and it looked rohht, pushed it off again, and things seemed to move properly. I cranked the key, and it would crank, but nothing.. now, over the last few days, its been doing this, and now the starters not doing so hot, and it wont hardly crank. Sometimesitll just tun over 1-5 times. Im sure the initial problem has to do with the choke, and carbs, but I cant even try anymore, I dont want to burn out the starter. The weather is awful, and I dont have a garage. Keep that in mind with your suggestions. Any help is appreciated.

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Battery is fully charged, and she turns over with a vigor I've never heard since I got her. Here's a side by side.


As you can see, my old starter looks as if it was stored in a swamp.

Anyway, it cranks, but still no fire. I just rebuilt the carbs, and I'm waiting on some gaskets to get it back in the car. If I'm still having problems, we're probably looking back to it being flooded/fouled.

Not yet, I will. Last time I looked they were great, but that was a while back. It ran fine one day, and the next it wouldn't fire. That morning I had cranked and pumped so much, I figure it could've flooded it. But I'll know soon enough.

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