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Affordable Chrome Plating for plastic and metal parts


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UPDATE to thread: Affordable Chrome Plating (Part Deux)

When I began this "hobby", I wanted to offer my fellow Z enthusiasts with an affordable solution to their chrome plating needs, with a focus on the plating of plastics. Since then, I've been fortunate enough to serve the needs of many of you, and thank you for the opportunity to do so.

Lately, however, I've been doing plating for customers who own Ferraris and Bentleys, Porsches, classic Mustangs, Ranchero's, Olds 442's......and on and on. Additionally, I've begun an active mission to source reproduction facilities for those "impossible to find" parts that many of you have requested. As a result, I find very little time to spend with my real passion (Z cars), and have sought out the help of others who could devote some time to serving my Z friends.

I've recently appointed Mike Wodopian as a direct distributor for the chrome plating service, as he is able to dedicate the time to continue to service the membership in the way that we want it to be done. He has generously agreed to officially launch this effort with another "group buy" for the membership, and will be announcing his service sometime later today. I hope that you all extend the same warm welcome to Mike that so many of you have extended to me.

I hope to be able to offer some updates on the new part reproductions soon:)


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Mike, just wanted to show you the tail light surrounds on the car. I changed the back panel color to a warm gray color, it's closer to the original color. Thanks a bunch they look great.






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Is this service still available?

If so, what would be the cost for a pair of 280 hood vents?


Unfortunately, for the immediate time being, the plastic chrome plating is undergoing a "hiatus" while I recover from a recent open-heart surgery. I am finishing off the last few orders and will likely postpone any future plastic plating until I have completed my cardiac rehab and am cleared to resume the long hours and high-stress by my cardiologist (as IF that will ever happen....LOL)

As I am looking at taking on a partner or two to share the burden with, I don't expect that I'll be in this "hiatus" for long.

In the meantime, I am continuing with chrome plating of all metal parts here locally. Presently, I am negotiating a group buy opportunity for S30 bumper re-chroming, and hope to be able to offer some great deals here soon.

Thanks for the inquiry.....I will let you know just as soon as I'm able to resume the plating of plastic parts.


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Unfortunately, for the immediate time being, the plastic chrome plating is undergoing a "hiatus" while I recover from a recent open-heart surgery. I am finishing off the last few orders and will likely postpone any future plastic plating until I have completed my cardiac rehab and am cleared to resume the long hours and high-stress by my cardiologist (as IF that will ever happen....LOL)

As I am looking at taking on a partner or two to share the burden with, I don't expect that I'll be in this "hiatus" for long.


Mike, Sorry to read that. I hope your recovery progresses well. Its situations like this when you realise your health is your most valuable assest.

Take care


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Thanks for the reply - no worries, take care of yourself and get healthy.

Let us know when you/your partners are ready to get back into it and I'm sure there will be a few orders coming your way to get things rolling again.


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Sorry to hear about your health issues and hopefully the recovery process goes well. Hopefully I can get my car dismantled this year and catalog the plastic parts that will need rechroming. I now have all of the body panels the car will need for the restore and I picked up a rechromed front bumper. The front bumper guards I have will need to be rechromed, as well as the back bumper components.

Take care,

Robert S.

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Mike, Sorry to read that. I hope your recovery progresses well. Its situations like this when you realise your health is your most valuable assest.

Take care


Chas, Geoff, and Robert,

Thanks so much for the well wishes. I hope to find myself "back in the saddle" in the weeks to come. I really miss spending time with all of the fine people here in the club, as well as in the industry in general. Am going to make a goal of attempting ZCON this year and hope to be able see many of you there.


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