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(Ahh yes, the donut shop jab. How original . Why not just go ahead and do the Barney comparison--you know you wanna.

Before you start blaming the cops for all the problems in the world, just consider that there might be some Po-leece that drive Z's and are members of this board.)

Now I will stand up and say I dont judge anyone for what they do for there job but only on what they DO and how they ACT.

If your a cop and act as a power tripped azzhole then yah you will fall in under donut munching jerk. But there are lots of police out there that do care and do a job that most people dont want for very little money.

I just hate the fact that they are going overboard with the amount of police around here. With such a large force they are almost fighting each other for the tickets and busts in order to make there numbers for the end of the month.You dont even wana think about going on the roads @ the end of the year around here.


I totally agree with you there Bambikiller. Why don't they just tax my paycheck so I can drive as fast as I wantLOL . Of course I can't really talk bad about cops. Most of my experiences with cops have been OK. The best was when the Police caught the thieves that stole my Z. (plus giving my car back in one piece):love:

the worst was when I recieved a littering ticket in the mail after ripping up a parking ticket and thowing it out the window.:stupid:

Originally posted by Smokey

Ahh yes, the donut shop jab. How original:cross-eye . Why not just go ahead and do the Barney comparison--you know you wanna.

Whats the Barney comparison?

Or do you mean Chief Wiggam?

I dont mind cops, but then i'm (generally) a law abiding citizan. One of my friends is a cop, so i get to hear all the stories.

Another friend of mine got pulled over on the freeway doing 140k in a 100k zone and he was let off with a warning.

Anyway if the cops in new rome suck so much, dont drive through the town.

Originally posted by DRECORD

I totally agree with you there Bambikiller. Why don't they just tax my paycheck so I can drive as fast as I wantLOL . Of course I can't really talk bad about cops. Most of my experiences with cops have been OK. The best was when the Police caught the thieves that stole my Z. (plus giving my car back in one piece):love:

the worst was when I recieved a littering ticket in the mail after ripping up a parking ticket and thowing it out the window.:stupid:

Hi David:

Most (95%) of my experiences with Police have also been positive. I've been treated well by them, however I won't ever forget the 5% who have abused their power and acted as TAX COLLECTORS or subjected people to physical abuse for their own amusement.

I've always looked at speeding tickets received for actually speeding, as the price to be paid for choosing to drive fast without being observant enough to see the officer before he sees you. I've only been caught badly once (in Arizona, of all places) by a cruiser hiding in a nest in center divide of I-40 Eastbound out of Flagstaff. Got me COLD, and I was Flying!

My comments were only directed at the tax collectors in the cases stated and not ALL Police.

If Smokey is a State Trooper (or other Officer) He has my respect and gratitude for doing a tough job that is vital to our communities. (unless he is one of the TAX COLLECTORS).


PS: For the Aussies, the "Barney comparison" refers to a charector on a TV show from the 1960's. The show was "The Andy Griffith Show", which had Andy as the Sheriff, and a bumbling Junior Police Officer named Barney Fife. Barney was such a bumbler and so incompetant that he was only allowed to have ONE bullet, and he had to keep it stored in his shirt pocket so he wouldn't hurt himself or other people. Barney Fifes picture appears on the http://www.newromesucks.com/ Home page.

PPS: Regarding New Rome, OHIO, the Main Interstate Highway goes right through the town, so it is almost impossible to avoid going through New Rome.

EDIT: I've been corrected, New Rome isn't on the Main Interstate, there are detours available.

PPS: Regarding New Rome, OHIO, the Main Interstate Highway goes right through the town, so it is almost impossible to avoid going through New Rome.

Fortunately that's not true ...


I mentioned this to someone I know who lives in Columbus and he said that New Rome is "beyond scandal". The last mayor of New Rome actually refused to give up his office when he was defeated in an election (all six -- out of sixty eligible -- people who bothered to vote cast their ballots for someone who wasn't in the ruling clique)!

Guess I must have been lucky, I used to drive for M.S. Carriers out of Memphis and they had a terminal just off 270 on Georgesville RD. Used to go right in the neighborhood of New Rome to a Sears warehouse to pick up.:cross-eye

I never had much use for the majority of Troopers in Ohio anyways. They would target trucks on the interstates and let the cars get away with anything they wanted. They still have a split speed limit. 55 for trucks, 65 for cars and they will write up a truck for 56 while letting cars do 70 or more. I know, I got two in years gone by in Ohio, in fact, out of approximately 2 million miles behind the wheel, 2 of the 3 speeding tickets I ever had were in Ohio.:angry:

Nothing is more dangerous than having two different speed limits for traffic. VA used to until they had three different studies on the split speed limit, they then changed it after it was proved that it was causing more accidents than it was preventing.:ermm:

:stupid: :stupid: :stupid:

I have always TRIED to drive within the designated speed limit.

I started driving at 17 years and I'm pushing 60 now and only been booked ONCE for speeding. Came out of a 80 zone into a 60 zone and 100 metres later there's a boy in blue with his gun. Got me at 68 kph. Now HE was an ASSHOLE.


The vast majority of cops are decent blokes doing a bloody difficult job with very little assistance and RESPECT from the comunity in general.

To my way of thinking, anyone who deliberately speed don't deserve any sympathy.

Those who complain the loudest about being booked are probably the ones who DESERVE to be booked.

One of our road safety slogans is, "EVERY K OVER IS A KILLER" and it's damned true.

You never know when a little kid is going to run out of the driveway.

That's my 10 cents worth.


I live in a pretty small town named Moraga. Its in California on the other side of the bay from SF. It's a pretty wealthy communitty and the teens from the local high schools and from a collage near by (St. Mary's) race every week end on a nice little stripe of road. I admit I have done this a few times (die pos four banger rice rocket:devious: ). In all my experiance the cops never show. There have never been any acidents that I know of, so I believe that the police just let us do it on this pretty safe strip of road. After all, if they break it up they know that we'll just go somewhere else and it might not be as safe there. They know were going to do it so they prefere everyone is at the very least safe. My hat goes off to the Moraga Police Dept. for letting teens have there fun and chasing the real evil doers.

Yeah, ya'll guessed it, I am a cop. Not a Trooper, but a City officer in a fairly large, for North Carolina, city. I don't see myself as a tax collector, and I would leave the job the minute that changed.

I do enforce the laws of the road for one simple reason. I hate to take the time to do the fatality wreck reports. I don't pull for barely speeding, I go for the fast ones. I get the ones that blow stop signs, and red lights. The ones I pull, and write, are the same offenses that lead to the wrecks that investigate daily. My Sgt. puts me in the area of our Sector where traffic is at a problem level. I get the drivers to calm down (even if just for a little while), and then move on to another stretch of road. Strange thing is, after I work an area for a couple of months, the amount of wrecks and speeding drop down. That is why I do what I do on the Traffic front, not to collect revenue. I could care less about that.

I fully agree with you guys that writing out speeding citations for the sole purpose of collecting revenue is wrong. If there is a speeding problem (bt that I mean, average speed is 15 to 20 over the limit), then I support it. If the guy you stop is only going 5 over---not worth the effort to write.

Anyway, traffic is just one of my focuses as an officer. I do many other things too. I truely try and help the public out with quality of life issues. And most important-----I love Z's--so I can't be ALL that bad:D .

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