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I've just imported a 240Z from the US (Cal) to the UK.

I read on another site that there was a guide on this site to modifying USA spec lights to UK spec (ie: remove the day running lights but still able to use the indicators). There's thousands of threads to do with lighting but the search words I've used can't locate it and I've looked through the various sections with no success. Can anyone point me in the right direction?


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It is in the technical articles by members section of this forum.

There is a thorough post by Arne.

Here: http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/articles-our-members/34891-modify-us-240z-rear-turn-signal-wiring-jdm-style.html

Edited by Blue

Thanks for the reply Blue, I spoke to my local vehicle tester who stated he may pass the car as is with the US rear lights. He seemed unsure but has no doubt had time to research this so things might change.

The article doesn't speak about the running lights/ marker lights but it has given me some ideas along with others I've read as to where I go from here. Looking at arnes diagram, it may be that the day running light/ marker light circuit is similar to a live supply from the brake switch passing to the Indicators. I'll look at my Haynes manual wiring diagram again and see if I can work out where to snip out and feed a new cable in.

If anyone else has information on how to go about this in the meantime, it would be much appreciated.

Thanks again.

Hello Arne, thanks for the reply.

Hopefully this is will make sense and I've got my North American terminology correct.

I need to do away with the front fender orange marker light linking it into the indicator so it's not on constantly and do away with the under bumper orange lights so that they also only act as indicators and aren't on constantly. I should be able to keep the rear fender red marker lights.

Your guide made it clear what needs to be done to the rear lights if I need to change them. It really simplified the process because the Haynes manual wiring diagram doesn't appear correct to me. The UK model diagram appears to show US spec lighting which makes it hard to understand where changes need to be made.

One thing I'm not sure of is what to do about a front sidelight. UK cars typically have a small clear light on the front at each side or within the headlight to illuminate the car at night when stationary on the road. These only come on when the column stalk switch is moved from off to the first on position. I can't recall seeing a UK 240Z with external side lights so they must have one within the headlight. I'll either have to fit headlights with internal side lights, (think they're referred to as H4) or small external lights. Originally, UK cars had the indicators on the top of the bumper with no light at each corner under the bumper within the lower fender/ front valance.

I read another thread which said that this car has a positive supply through the components and that it's the earth that is switched but whether that's true of every component, I don't know.

Hope this makes sense to you and would appreciate your thoughts.

Thanks again.

Hello Blue,

I have this on my list of things to buy from the Z store however after 8 days and three e-mails, I'm still waiting for a reply from them. This plug is for the side marker only and doesn't appear to be for the combined 'Turn signal/ front marker'.

I'm finding out already that getting parts for this car isn't going to be easy, I can't even get an oil filter from any local suppliers and most of my parts will have to come from the US. That said, there appears to be only 147 (240Z), (267 all models) left on our roads so there probably isn't a big enough market in the UK for a company to invest in.

Maybe the Z store should consider a European base- hint.

Thanks again for your help.

OK, my understanding was correct. I'd disconnect or remove the bulbs from the two fender side markers, that should take care of that one.

I see two options for the side light/indicator issue. The simplest would be to disable the side light circuit to the existing indicators, and wire the side light to a side light in an H4. One simple way to do that (if it would pass inspection) would be to tape over the appropriate terminal on the base of the dual filament bulb in the indicator, and connect the current fender light wires for the side light.

A more elegant solution would be to use clear indicator lenses (example - Datsun 240Z 260z Front Turn Signals Parking Lights Lenses Clear Smoke Amber | eBay) with Amber dual filament bulbs. You would still need to disable what we call the parking lamp circuit to the indicator bulb, either by taping over the connector, snipping a wire, or similar. Then I'd drill a hole in the indicator housing (as shown by the blue arrows) to insert a generic side light socket. I would still probably connect it to the wires disconnected from the fender lights.

Hope this makes sense.


Hello Arne, thanks for taking the time to reply.

I wasn't aware they had a dual filament bulb however that makes things simpler.

Interesting idea placing the side light into the flasher unit and using a clear lens, there is an aussie unit which does a similar thing but by the time you're done, you've spent $300+ and then you have to pay for shipping/ customs/clearance.

I think what I'll do is, using the z store side marker conversion plug, tape or disconnect the 'marker light' wire at the flasher unit. Z store don't make it clear whether the conversion plug still acts as a marker light and indicator or indicator only however this won't matter once I've removed the supply cable.

I'll get some H4 headlamps and then attempt to locate the live supply for the 'marker lights' and cut/ move the wire into the side light circuit and connect to the headlights side light using the 'marker light' wiring.

I'll still need to look at this issue of switched earths to avoid blowing anything.

Z store finally got back to me yesterday saying they hadn't received my e-mails so it'll be some weeks before all this is sorted. I'll let you know how I got on.

Thanks again for taking the time to assist me.

Hello Michael,

I went into our local Nissan dealer some weeks ago, they had nothing on their records for the 240-260Z but had some diagrams for the 280ZX. I was really surprised at the poor quality of the diagrams they had to work with however they couldn't locate the bits I was looking for which were still used on the later cars. I was told they had old microfiche at another branch but again they couldn't find any part numbers.

Without a part number, Nissan aren't going to be of much use. I'm not needing an oil filter but wanted to make the point of how difficult it appears to be trying to obtain an everyday service item.

I recently came across a Dome light on ebay USA in the original bag with the part number visible and I'm planning on giving this number to Nissan to see if they can get me one. Ridiculous that I have to do this but their parts database for these cars is seriously lacking.

Thanks for the information with the filter number, I've noted it for the future.

Sebby, don't buy the marker light conversion from MSA. Speaking from experience here (as it was my idea that brought it to market), it doesn't do what you need. It is designed to make the existing fender lamp work as both an amber side light and an amber indicator.

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