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Hello all, I'm a new Z owner from Norway and this is my first post.

I have a '71 Z that arrived from the US recently, and I'm having trouble getting the following lights to work:

- Side marker lights (both)

- Park lights (both)

- Rear lights (both)

- Dash backlights

- Rear indicator (both)

These lights work:

- Head lights

- Backup lights

- Indicators front

- Emergency blink (all four)

- Break lights

I haven't checked the bulbs, but it feels like something else is wrong.

All fuses in the fuse box are replaced with new ones.

After reading a couple of older threads describing similar problems, I checked the rear side of the fuse box (looks ok), and the soldering points and the contacts on the steering column, and they seem ok too.

I have little to no experience with electrical systems, and I'm not sure how to measure the voltage or current from the steering column switch (as recommended in one of the older threads).

Any help on what to check and how is much appreciated. I'll soon be taking the car in for approval, and with half of the lights not working it certiainly won't be approved.

My car was produced in 05/71 (second series), and is a well kept and unmodified car.

Hi Nils,

Sort of hard to help you with so little experience. These type of problems are usually age and corrosion related. In my '71 Series I, I had problems with side marker lights and turn signals. The fuse was good and I could measure 12 volts on both sides of the fuse. However when I got to the marker lights, I only had 7 or 8 volts. Current was flowing through the bulbs but not enough to light them. It turned out there was hidden corrosion in the back side of the fuse box.

The fact that you mentioned solder joints on the back side of the fuse box indicates someone has had problems there before.

I am including a colored wiring diagram. It has some errors and omissions, but is a little easier to read than the black and white drawings. If you look at it and find it difficult, it may be time to seek a professional's help. The diagram will help him.


Hello all, I'm a new Z owner from Norway and this is my first post.

I have a '71 Z that arrived from the US recently, and I'm having trouble getting the following lights to work:

- Side marker lights (both)

- Park lights (both)

- Rear lights (both)

- Dash backlights

These are all on the same circuit, controlled by the same switch, and powered through the same fuse. Check the headlight switch and work your way back through all of the connectors. Download this to get more information on the connectors in the circuit.

- Rear indicator (both)

These lights work:


- Indicators front

- Emergency blink (all four)

- Break lights

This makes me think that the problem with the rear turn signals is at the turn signal switch.

Based on what else you said, it sounds like you need to find someone who knows automotive electrical systems.

Late update: I located the general area of concern; by wiggling the cables going into the fuse box, and moving the fuse box, it now works. Obviously a bad contact or a broken cable, but it's difficult to access it properly so my next step is to remove the dash to get better access.

Thanks again for the help!

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