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After all the years of faithful HEI operation, somebody bumped the front of the Zed, and after replacing the bumper, the engine runs like like the firing order was mixed up! SO I clean the plugs and confirmed the wires and firing order.  No difference
I replaced the HEI module, with no improvement, so I think the dizzy skipped a tooth on the drive shaft?  Maybe a freak shock fried the Flamethrower coil?
I'd just like to confirm somethings that seem sketchy in my docs:
H.E.I. Module is from a 1974 Camaro V-6

Stock coil?  It had a flamethrower before



Was it running correctly when it got "bumped"?  How hard was the bump?

Where is the module mounted?  Check the grounding to the mounting grommets.

If it was a hard bump it might be that the air gap in the distributor got moved.  Probably worthwhile to go through the basic distributor maintenance described in the FSM.  It might not be the module, it might be the distributor itself.  Maybe even something simple like the distributor cap got knocked loose.

You might be right, since I though the dizzy  drive got off a tooth, but can these 'import experts' adjust that? the nearest Nissan dealer is 20 miles, and there are few Datsun guys left, I'll bet.

Good thing the bumper shocks still work...

Edited by TomoHawk

So you absolutely can't use the stock coil?  I had the flamethrower coil on it for a while, until a few weeks ago, when it just stopped working for some reason- air gap was off maybe,  I don't think I want to bother with a bulky GM coil, since I have the stock bracket already in there.

Well, if you take the dizzy end of the HT lead off, you get to see a lot more sparking, so the module seems to be working. Now I need to see if the injectors are clicking.  Is there a way to see if they get a signal, like plugging in an LED?  When it's cranking, you won't hear the injectors.


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